not recognize him, for she uttered a deep sigh full of anguish and distress. Louis fixed his eyes devouringly upon her face; and when, in the course of a few moments, she recognized the king, she endeavored to tear herself from his embrace. "Oh, heavens!" she murmured, "is not the sacrifice yet made?" "No, no?" exclaimed the king, "and it shall not be made, I swear." Notwithstanding her weakness and utter despair, she rose from the ground, saying, "It must be made, however; it must be; so do not stay me in my purpose." "I leave you to sacrifice yourself! I! never, never!" ex- claimed the king. "Well," murmured D'Artagnan, "I may as well go now. As soon as they begin to speak we may as well save their having any listeners. " And he quitted the room, leaving the two lovers alone. "Sire," continued La Valliere, "not another word, I im- plore you. Do not destroy the only future I can hope for — my salvation; do not destroy the glory and brightness of your own future for a mere caprice." "A caprice!" cried the king. "Oh, sire! it is now, only, that I can see clearly into your heart." "You, Louise, what meanyou?" "An inexplicable impulse, foolish and unreasonable in its nature, may momentarily appear to offer a sufficient excuse for your conduct; but there are duties imposed upon you which are incompatible with your regard for a poor girl such as I am. So, forget me." "I forget you I" "You have already done so." "Eather would I die." "You cannot love one whose peace of mind you hold so lightly, and whom you so cruelly abandoned, last night, to the bitterness of death." "What can you mean? Explain yourself, Louise.** "What did you ask me yesterday morning? To love you. What did you promise me in return? Never to let mid- night pass without offering me an opportunity of reconcilia- tion, whenever your anger might be aroused against me." "Oh! forgive me, Louise, forgive me! I was almost mad from jealousy." "Jealousy is an unworthy thought, sire. You may be-