Abbot of Buskin Rock, The . . . Richard Wilsted 217
American History from German Sources J. G. Rosengarten 437
Angelo of the Perfection .... Metric Van Voret 159
Antoine's Loves Caroline Ticknor 90
Attack on the Chaise, The . . . , H. B. Marriott Watson .... 716
Bit of Human Nature, A. A Novel Ellen Olney Kirk 257
Bridging the Depths Perde W, Hart 122
Cinderella's Sisters E, Ayrton ....... 733
Coach Through South Africa, By . .J. W. Daviea 478
De Profundis Francis Howard Williams . . 242
Dinners of Fifty Years Ago . . Mrs. E, 8. Bladen- 711
Dr. Marsh's Fortimate Call . . . Josiah Allen's Wife 465
Edgar Poe's Last Night in Richmond John F. Carter, M.D ^62
Fall Work in the Garden .... Ehen E. Rewford 327
Fiddler's Bridge, At EUa Middleton Tyhout .... 74
Fifth Wheel, The Ina Brevoort Roberts . . .343
Final Propositions, The .... Cyrus Toumsend Brady . 192
Fruit Out of Season. A Novel . Mary Moss 385
Girl in the Rockies, A Caroline Lockhart 177
Governor's Choice, The Joseph A. Altsheler .165
Gratsy George Hyde Preston .... 510
Hidden Man, The Karl Edwin Harriman .... 348
Home Greenhouse, The Ehen E, Rexford 457
Jack Sheppard, of Newgate . . . Charles Morris 592
Judgment on Them, A Jennette Lee 356
lAdy, a Mortal, and the Four Hundred, A Annulet Andrews 98
Lady Delia Thomas Cohh 742
LiUlest Boy and Santa Claus, The . Edwin L. 8abin 754
Love my Love so Well, I . . 1.8, 8. F. Callahan 227
Love of Denys de Vaudrencceur, The . Beulah Marie Dim 66
Master of Fate, The Clinton Dangerfield 498
Mistaken Vocation, Her . '. . Judith Underwood 255
Musical Game, A Philip H. Ooepp 729
Neighbors . Ahbie Farwell Brown .... 637
New Samaria. A Novel . . . . 8. Weir Mitchell, M.D. . . . 129
Number 321 Lucy Baker Jerome .... 600
Other Man, The. A Novel . . . Frederic Reddale 513
Park Row Gralahad, A . . . Albert Payson Terhune . 375
Passing the Love of Woman . . Cyrus Townsend Brady .... 504
Persecution of a Pup, The . . . . Cy Warman 486
Peter Bertrand Waugh 212
Predicament of Silas Singer, The . . Elliott Flower 249
Price of Fame, The. A Novel . Maude Roosevelt .641
Primrose Way, The Marie Van Vorst 442
Rev. Pilgreen's Wooing Matt Crim 107
Road to Arcady, On the. A Novel . Mabel Nelson Thurston ... 1
Seatons' Masquerade, The .... Florence Kingston Hoffman . 234
Slender Sheaf of Memories, A . Senex 605
Sovereign Remedy, A Francis Willing Wharton . .81
Spirit Husband, Her Dorothy Richardson .618
State-House Platter, The .... Alice Brown 567
Straight as a String Caroline Lockhart 572
Two Calls Sara Cone Bryant 200
Undoing (illegible text)tle Jones, The . . Lily Munsell 367