)UB ZUAS PBESENT TO YOU A dalntT doil}[ and handkerchief nice enough }r anybodj ; price is, actual coBt,_ 48 cents, poBt- •id. Only one of each Hold at this price to eame lereon. Other goods at Holiday pncee. f^l'^ %/ Attain.) Tempered ture Ch&nge*. Tb» St&ndard Sanitary UnderwBar for Man. Women and Cbtldren. Endor««d by Leading Phy^dans. Also varAms JAEGER Novelties and Spectalliei. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FSBB. Dl. JAHU S. W. t. eO.'S OWI ITOIIt. NEW YORK: It WartZSdSt.; 10S.157BroMwa7 BROOKLYN : BM Pnlton Street. B05T0NI 230-232 Boylrton S(r«et. PHILADELPHIA: 1810 CbMtnirt Atrwt. CHICAOO: SI StMta Street. AGENTS m ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. klVIDENpS= ■ RbkapoatAi. SeDdui your name LIONS olatt T the ordim Iff propoaitloD iiD<l-a»ai prid JP IMJiHlJUi!) WHIST B-Tray 5*1 «1.S0' (Ihc busi- >Ilbe future). Conducled by mirmie, anywhere. Ouf plan (or CEHTRkL SUPPLY CO.. 104SGR>ND AVE., KANSAS CITY. MO. FOREIGN STAMPS ^';?,S^en^r'£; etc., 6 cenB. Pdce-lliC iree. Stamfe boui^ht. H. J. KLEINMAN, 364j Marahall Street, Pblla., Pa. In wilting to advertlwre, klndlr mention Lippihcott'b.