tOPER FIE LD FOR B OAT LYMPH 9 ^neisely Stated by a Physician Who Is Reoognlzed an Authority. Few things new in the medical world have ex- id as much and as widely diffused interest as > wonderful results ensuing from the properly ected use of goat lymph. The limits within ich it finds its proper field are sharply defined i none too broad. The results ensuing from use, however, have been so remarkable and in ae instances so striking that it is not strange it there is no well-defined idea in the public nd as to what goat lymph really is and for at diseases and ailments its use is prescribed. answer such questions intelligently requires borough understanding and knowledge both of ) treatment and diseases sought to be cured. No clearer or more concise statement on this )ject could be made than that by Dr. Gilbert tiite the other day in his office in the Audito- m building. Br. White is superintendent of ) Groat Lymph Sanitarium Association and un- iibtedly knows more about the subject and has odled more cases where goat lymph has been x^essfully used than perhaps any physician in i country. This is his statement, succinct and se, and will be recognized as authority on the 3ject :
- There is a great deal of misinformation
long the medical profession, as well as among men, regarding goat lymph and what it will in the way of curing disease. In the first ice, I will state broadly that the lymph is not nre-all, it is not a patent medicine, it is not a ret preparation. It is merely one of nature's mal products, just as the name signifies, thin its therapeutical limits it has accom- shed all, and more, than was expected. These tits are in the treatment of nervous and men- ailments. For instance, we know by experi- » and the record of hundreds of successful es that the lymph is decidely beneficial in
- h diseases as locomotor ataxia, chronic articu-
rheumatism, paralysis agitans, hemiplegia, mary dementia, and kindred troubles. Along se lines many remarkable cures have been icted.
- One of its greatest fields is in the treatment
diseases incident to old age. It is a strong igorant and revivifier, and even in cases where ) patients were 70 years of age has restored all ) physiological conditions of youth, bringing
- k, sometimes in increased force, the vigors
1 ambitions of a man of 40 or less.** — (Chicago ronicle, July 20.) ^ tnestB for literature, giving reports of cases and details of treatment, should oe addressed AT LYMPH SANITARIUM ASSOCIATION, Suite 27, Auditorium Building, Chicago. Skin Diseases If you suffer from Eczema, Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Itch, Ivy Poison, Acne» or other skin troubles, Hydrozone will cure you. Cures sunburn in 24 hours. In cases of Prickly Heat and Hives it will stop itching at once, also will relieve mosquito bites. Ihdrosane is Jt scientific Germicide* Used And endorsed fy leading physicians* It ia absolutely nartaless, yet most powerful healing agent. As these diseases are caused by parasites, killing them without causing injury to the sufferer, naturally cures the trouble. Sold by leading druggists, VDIpP to any one sendine me 10c. to cover actual ■■^*^*' postage, will send a bottle containing suf- ficient to prove to your entire satisfaction the claims here made. Pamphlet sent free. Address B7'£ rr ^ig Four Buffet Parlor Caf€f and Librarp and Dining Cars Are operated by the rail- way company under direc- tion of competent superin- tendent and commissaries. Menu is just as good as at any first-class American plan hotel in the United States. Write for fotdera* Warren J. L9»ch» IF.iP. Deppeg telPMi.*1kktiA(t. Airt.talF.AlA. CiNCIMMATI, O. In writing to adyertisers, kindly mention Lippincott'b. 78