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nicohol. Tobacco Produce each a disease having definite pathol- ogy. The disease yields easily to the treatment as administered at the following Keeley Insti- tutes: TTTE have, during the past year, treated by Dr. ^^ Keeley's method five hundred and eighteen men for chronic sdcoholism and opium addiction, with less than nine per centum of lapses. I need not say to you that this is perhaps the most nearly a specific medicine that we have any knowledge of in the treatment of disease, I would further call your attention to the fact that not in a single instance in all the men treated, now numbering nearly twelve hundred, has a man died or his physical condition been injured, but in many cases of rheumatism, neurasthenia, and other nervous affections great im- provement has been noted. D. C. Jones, M.D., Surgeon, N. H. D. V. S., Leavenworth Branch. D A NATIONAL INSTITUTION URING the past twenty years ^ the Keeley treatment has res- cued so many thousands of men and women from the drink and drug habits that it has made staunch friends in every community. Among its adherents are some of the most dis- tinguished people in the country, in- cluding clergymen, physicians, law- yers, editors, business men, and government officials. In a word, the treatment, by reason of the great good it has done and is doing, has become a national institution, with headquarters in many States, as ap- pears below. Hundreds of well - known people have indorsed and recommended the Keeley Treatment: Among them the following: General Neal Dow Col. C. H. Taylor Judge-Advocate-Gen. Groesbeck Dr. Parkhurst Rev. Canon Fleming Frances E. Willard Hon. Luther Laflin Mills Ex-Gov. Hastings Rev. Dr. Geo. C. Lorimer Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage John V. Farwell Dr. Edward McGlynn Rear-Admiral Walker Ex-Gov. Claude Matthews Ex-Gov. John P. Altgeld Rt. Rev. John Shanley Gen. James W. Forsyth, U. S. A. ALWAYS ADDRESS THE INSTITUTE NEAREST TO TOU. BIrMlBchAM, Ala. ]fo( 8priKS% Ark. L«ii Aaselca, CaL f^am Fraael«eo» Cal., 11 70 Market St. D«« Molaesv Iowa. Crak Orekard, K7. New Orlcaas, La.» Bonlder Hot SprlBca* Plttsbarc, Pa., Boalder, Moat. 4«4rFlftk Are. CarMa CItj, Nev. ^'"'l*"*^ 5* ^ 1 6SS.88 Fellelty St. Farso, No. Dak. mIITVTwZh^^ PorUaad. Me. No. Coawar. N. U. bSL, T«l, LexlBKtoa, Maao. BalTalo, N. Y. Belle vaeVlaee. West Harea, (?oBa. Yfl "iSfc CanitSYst. ^^^^^ Mick. Wklte Plalaa, N. Y. Salt Lake aty, Utak. Atlaata. «a. ^* Lafkjette St. ColaaibBa, Oklo. Rlekaiond. Ya. Dwickt! Ill Oraad Rapids, MIek. Portlaad, Ore. w**^!'^ Wa^lafftoa. CharleotowB. lad. Kaasaa City, Mo., Pklladelpkia, Pa.. ToJUaSrOat^ MaHob, lad. St. LoBia, Mo., SIS Nortk Broad St. Wlaalpec, Maa. Details of treatment and proofs of its success, sent free on application to any of tfie above-named institutes.

    • Non-Heredtty of Inebriety," by Or. Leslie E. Keeley, mailed on application.


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