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t)NElDA COMMUNITY QUALITY %g The beaotifol Spoons, J^^ Forks 1 and Kni7£s made b^PThe Oneida Commtisity inj^the Avaloa pattern aie ff NEW BIN QUAUTY g AND PRICE We take real pleasure in mail- . I ing yoB our free 1 iUustrated Ixnklet Abort , Oneida ConuDtniity ONEIDA COMMUNHT FOR EARLY FALL 24 Years the Standard of Excellence SPECUL WBaiTS FOR THIS SEtSO* lUnstrBted Olalopia Free, Sho^ng .IH. our varlou, J.eger artJole^ NBWVOSK. (, ', y.?".;" •"-« BJOOKLYN, 'j.i-ffifjSS!' GREATEST PLAYGROUND ON EARTH EVERY NEED ) EVERY WISH ^CAN BE 6UITED EVERY PURSE J SPECIAL RATES PACIFIC between ill paru of CAI^IFORNIA ■Dd iU KTiat Dumber d( ramoui niorti by which (be »p«i)H of ■ trip 1* reduced to ■ very low and For. .amp].: FROM A1.I. PARTS OF CALIFORNIA To tfie R»aortt in th» Shasta Region. Lake Tahoo and Surroundings. YosBmite. Tin Big TrMS. The King* Hirer Country. FROM BAN JOAQUIN AND SACRAMENTO VALLEY POfNTS^ To the Monterey Bay Coaat. KSMavScr'"'" ""•'•■■ ""'°'' To the Seashore in Southern California and the /tesorta of northern California. COK FULL THfORMATlON. 1MJULBH OF R J. SMITH. AQENT. OS aOUTH THIRD BT. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Stmi ItH ctxlt in llumft/ora i.opf rif Iht Soulhirn Padfie ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS The Union Pacific was the first line to intro- duce Dining Cars, Veslibuled Cars, Steam Heal, Pintsch Light, Buffet Smoking and Library Cais, Tourist Cats, on Trana-Conti- nenlal Trains west of the Missouri River. IT AGAIN LEADS by introducing an Electric Lighted train throughout, "The Overland Limited," Electric Lamps, Electric Fans, Electric Curling Iron Heaters, Telephone Service, etc.; Dining Barber Shops, Circulating Libraries, etc. The cars comprising this train constitute the tion and of comfortable and luxurious Uavel. This famous train reaches .'^It Uke City twelve hours and San Francisco siiteen hours ahead of all competitors. Full information cheerfully furnished on E. L. LOMAX. C. P. & T. A. Omaha, Nebraska. In writing to adrertisera, klndlj i: 1 LlPPIKCOTT'B.

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