HAMMOND Leading Typewriter of the World GrtMed Speed Lightest Toudi Qmelesl in Use Chewiest lo Repaft Greyest IJutMgy ■UsAJr WfiHna THE ONLY POLYGLOT Uiing i Hmirti 7)ft Smtriti in TuxMf-ta .b^ia^ts, all immedlarcly inicrcliangeabk, now adds ro its conceded perfeciions (per- ■fta alignment, uniform impression, etc.) A CROWNING GLORY The Best Mamrolder, where Quality and Ouaniiiy are considered. tiliiJtnum-MMiii TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS, 2 BRiailwk)'. Ne« York, tell eichantK, and unprejud •e1»cOon. Bhlppedlortr ilnn. OMleniupplIed. Ouarvnleeil HislclwM n IiyiDENps= RlikspOEt^. Sendusv our name for prospcctua of the Rayo Min- ldg«nd Developing Co. oICsl- ifornu. Everr dolIfDniatnliii H •elling ai gmui IB propoaittoa. ind-floor price. HUTOHIHSOH, OOLDSHITH * OOHPAHT, Sxolnftv* Eutem FUumcUl AcbdU. 53 Btate Strnt, Boiton, Mui. D writing to advertlsen, klodl)- n