Reached in the greatest luxury by the magnificent trans-continental train OVERLAND LIMITED MOST LUXURIOUS TRAIN ,7. WORLD Leaving Chicago 8 p. m, every day and reaching San Francisco in less than three days. The best of everything. Compartment Observation Cars; Drawing-Room Cars; all meals in Dining Cars; Buffet-Library Cars (with Barber and Bath); electric reading lamp in every berth. ELCCTRIC USHTED TNflOUfiHOUT Two other last trains daily leaving Chicago at lo a. m. and 11.30 p. m. Round- trip tickets from Chicago at ^50.00 on sale August > to 10; special excursion rates on all other days. CHICAGO ( NORTH -WESTERN UNION PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAYS TtafcMi fram uiy ralway agint HNGLErOOT STICKY FLY PAPKR THE O. * W. THUM CO., Mfh*. HOW TO GET MUSIC MAMMOTH CATALOOUB and one 2Sg. Piece lor Sc. to pay poitiEc. Unlverul Muiic libnry. 36 W. iSih Si., NlwVoik. Agtn J'. .iw_. ibniry^ W. FREE WHIST i SDilSiKTHOHBOIlJ EYEWATER In wdtliiK to adTertHera, klnaiir mentloB LiFFiNCOTT'a,