Itdl rAlcNI ^it. The verv bat consHtc inn DCUflDIt D'aESTIVE TABLBT3. i per day. H hour be(c — — ... — S moDtlu, 11,00. Samr price at DruggMt. vateut Ind heal Ih. blood, laste.bmth. Momub. romplexton. liver, - m. Irregular health of any kind. REMOVES THE CAliBK OF IT. UtutlonHl tiealment In unhealthy wagons uid plaets ia HUNT'S tore break £«M. Tdays'treatmentbymail, (aample month's treatment fcj- mall. !Sc. - ■' *-' — " T. J. HUNT. Drawer B, Men ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE SHAKB INTO YOUR SHOES PiHit— EiH. a pawder for the ttsuna nubtfi, iwoISd, nutlBc mt Dt oonwnd bnnlcv a-nallnco^IloBiMid hot. Hied, hJiEkM. -DAY. BoldbiilDnnstotauA f ""tX flfQTaGR GRAY'S KWEBT ■adCaMfortr drM,ALLEN S. OLMSTED. La Ror, H.Y. BUNIONS "PQWD'STOESPlimC" proval. Mdbcv back It llflcd. SeiidoullJneDf 3 wtiie fnr particulars. t n. ACHFELDT, Foot Specialist, 41 Test 24tb Street, New Yo^ Suite ] laUfflMKHHMM OPIUM! C tablished Biiici can be t&lien at home wltl ^venlence or detention I bUBlneai. Address The Dr. J Steptaena Co., Dept. P< S, IiebBBOD, O. IX-BLOOD Tablets FOR THIN-BLOODED PEOPLE. Rheumatism. Indigestion, Nerrotaness. Fleeh pmducer. Equal pure blood o( a bullock, feasant to take. Thin people train in Ihi. a mnnih. II vnu are thin and a guflerer try it. Three weeks' " lucloae lOe. torn ' ■--•— ■ FREEI AYNE'S EXPECTORANT CURES THE WORST COLDS D~A>areat EnvUth Remedy I BLAIR'S PILLSl S«litSw^EilH:tlv& 60CL Atl I JKlWggTB. ■■MWnUanBt.H.Y.l ■■tT BIFKATINO «HOT QUM ONLY 9 Id writing to adTertlsers, kindlj mention LlPPiNCon'l