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ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS The Union Pacific ras the fiisl line to intro- duce Dining Cais, Veslibuled Cars, Sleun Heat, Pinlsch Light, Buffet Smoking and IJbraiy Cars, Tourist Cais, on Trans-Cooli- nental Trains west of the hlissouri River. IT AGAIN LEADS by introducing an ELecTRic Lighted train throughout, "Thb Overland Limited," with L'ompartmenl Observation Cars, having Electric Ijunfs, Electric Fans, Electric Curling Iron Healeis, Telephone Service, etc.; Dining Rooms with Electric Candelabn, Bath Rooms, Barber Shops. Circulating Libraries, etc. The an compriiiing this train constitute the highest and beat development of car constmc- tion and of comfortable and luxurious Imvel. This famous train reaches Salt Lake City twelve Iwurs and San Francisco siiteen hours ahead of all competitors. Full inforniation cheerful]]' furnished on application to E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A. Omaha, Nebraska. BAZIN'S FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR A legitimate preparation in use over half a century. Price, 50 cents. Beware of dangerous imitations. DEPILATORY Why pay exorbitant prices for worthless anicles? Bazia's is reliable and cheap. It is simple, effective, and hannless. £SS«^POWDER Hall & Rvcxel, New York. EsUAlished 1848. YOUR HGVRE, MAOAmE. FAILVBE II(P**BIBt.B. Ourlwi>klM."nBALTM. ORAce AND BEAOTV,** li hlsklr ■■tomt- The Natura Company 4Z WcBt M4tb street, KEW VORK, Satte 17 A PERFEa BUST ^^£3!|;;5 °™' * 111? AiTEXi IdlnclioiHwllI iv^^n retired. -Ditiii; failan gniblc. Faily ihly cndoTKd yilcianl. In- MME. HASTINGS. A.D.. 59 Dcwbom St., Chicajo MYSELF CURED i:^:.»cT^ MISS MJtftY N. BRLDWIN. Box 1313. Chicago. D advertlMrs, klodlj i