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SUFFERERS FROM AND OTHER Dyspepsia Stomach Troubles CAN FIND QUICK REUEP by using ^f ilycozone in absolutely harmless germicide. It sub- lues the inflammation of the mucous mem- t>raiie of the stomach, thus removing the cause of the disease, and effects a cure. For any stomach trouble it will do good and generally cure. Used and recommended by leading phy- sicians. 'K^'l^ Vp Vp I will send by mail on receipt of aoc, to K XKK^K^ cover aotual postatfe. « liberal sample, that will prove the claims I make to your entire satisf action. This preparation cannot harm you, and In most cases gives wonderful results. Address PROF. CHAS. IfARCHAND, 59 Prince St., N.T. GREATEST PLAYGROUND >N EARTH EVERY NEED ) EVERY WISH ^<^AN BE SUITED EVERY purse) FECIAL RATES Have been established by the SOUTHERN PACIFIC between all parts of CALIFORNIA and its great number of famous resorts by which the expense of a trip is reduced to a very low and reasonable rate. For example: ROM ALL PARTS OF CALIFORNIA To the Resorts in the Shasta Region, Lake Tahoe and SurroundingSf Yosemite, The Big Trees, The Kings River Country. ROM SAN JOAQUIN AND SACRAMENTO ALLEY POINTS To the Monterey Bay Coast ROM THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, ARIZONA, ND NEW MEXICO To the Seashore in Southern California and the Resorts of Morthern California, FOR FULL INFORMATION, INQUIRE OF R J. SMITH, AGENT. 99 SOUTH THIRD ST. PHILAOCLPHIA, PA. end ten cents in stamps /or a coPy of the Southern Pacific Rice C0ok Book, containing two hundred receipts. a HAY FEVER SUFFER£RS stay at home— go any^yhere f BUT TAKE Orangeine POWDERS under simple directions to Prevent** In- ttsnUy Rj^eve« Finally Ditp^ Proved by many seasons' countless cases. The Usual Experience. Mr. W. M. Hughea. a prominent banker of Newport, B. I., writes: *^Enclo6ed find $5.00 for five paokaffes of *Oran«eine.* I have used ^Oranffeine' extensively in my family and recommended it widely to friends. My first experience was inconnecti/m with Hay Fever, from which I snflfered many years, and I am frank to say <t has accrnnplished an entire cure. OTHER SUMIMER APPLICATIONS: Summer Colds, Bowel Troubles, Headache (all kinds), Neuralgia, Menstrual Pain, Heat Prostration, Fatigue, Debility, Sea- sickness, Asthma, Bralh Fag, etc. TRIAL PACKAGE FREE. Oi^MMlne Is MAW Mid W all »rMrcMl ve dr«acl«U In i>7»«»eaiid $1.*0 »a«kacc«i. .l^Md tc »<Mit«ce for h lOe tHal »Mkiice mailed fkvc with fall lnr*rMatloB and pr«Bliieai lad*rs«ai«Bts. ORANQEINB CHEniCAL CO., Chicago. ii FIVE POINTS OF EXCELLENCE Leaving the center of the city from which you start; reaching the center of the city of your destinatioi^ over smooth and level tracks; giving rest and comfort; riding beside running waters most of the way; through the centers of population to the gateways of commerce; when you travel by the NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES A coDv of the Illustrated Catalogue of the ••Four-Track Series" will be sent free upon receipt of a two-cent stamp, by George H. Daniels, General Passenger Agent, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, Grand Central Station, New York. In writing to advertisers, kindly mention Lippincott's. 43

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