Provident Life and Trust Co., PHIXiADXlLiPai^ TV. OOK^CR FOURTH CHESTNUT STRBsrrs (Moa. 401-4OB) Evidence of the skilful and faithful management of this cotnpan}' is found in ils exceedingly' low expense rate, and the remarkabl; favorable rate of tnortalily. For the whole period of its exiBlence, the death rale has been only sixly-one per cent, of the rate indicated by the aulhoritalive tables. The organization of the company affords a slrong guaranty of safe management for the future. There i* the same need for care and intelligent discrimination in selecting a life insurance company that there is in selecting investments for a trust fund. The question of (he first importance in either case is the ques- tion of absolute security. invited to address Ibe 4-IMPORTANT GATEWAYS-4 FINEST PASSENGER SERVICE IN TEXAS. i. S. THORNE, ThM V.^P. uid Gcnl M^, C P. TUI^EIt, Gcn-1 P