The Unknown Path
the howling wind. The dog crouched at his feet in the snow, and the tired pony stood with spreading legs and drooping head.
"We must keep moving or we'll freeze like sheep." No one heard his desperate voice, but Molly followed when he slipped the bridle-rein over his arm, and Husky was close at his heels.
"It's all up now, I'll miss the train. If I kin only keep goin' till daylight. Agatha, dear, dear little girl. It's nothin' at all if it warn't fer you. Freezin's pleasant, they say, after the first on it. 'Pears like I'm past the first on it. It don't seem to hurt any more. I'd feel tolerably easy, if I weren't so tired and sleepy. It's past bed-time, I reckon, little woman, that's why I'm so—tired and—so—sleepy. Husky, boy, we must—have been—walkin' quite—a spell. Let's rest—let's sit down and rest—seem curious, I reckon—to rest—in a blizzard. Five minute—Husky—just a—nap, then we'll—go on. We mustn't—pamper—ourselves—when she's needin' of cash. Her hair—is—black—and—shiny. She's educated—she's fine—not like me. Straight as a string—Husky—boy—straight as a string. And—I—love her—with—all—my—heart."
McNeal's head dropped and pillowed itself on the snow, the bridle-rein slipped from his arm, the shivering pony stood beside him, the dog licked his cold face and howled, then the dog and the pony wandered off together for shelter under a willow in a nearby coulée, and the snow covered Mclfeal, who slept to wake no more.
LOVE turned, and stretched his hand, and she forsook
The pleasant ways of which her feet were fain,
Green field and garden fair and woodland nook.
Soft dew and scent, and sweet, familiar strain.
An unknown path to tread
Set round with briers and songless boughs instead.
But as they walked, close leaning each to each,
Behold, beneath the passing step of Love
Sprang redder roses, and his murmured speech
Woke sweeter strains, that, silver-clear above.
From some blue mountain-zone
Midway to Heaven thrilled with joy unknown!