Abel Perry's Funeral Josiah Allen's Wife 563
Amherst College, Social Life at R. S. Rounds 737
Apple Seed and Brier Thorn. A Novel . . . Louise Stockton 469-546
At Anchor. A Novel Julia Magruder 1-78
Bed Louise Imogen Guiney 271
Booth, John Wilkes: A Talk with the Man that captured Him Frank G. Carpenter 449
Drum-Major, The F. C. Baylor 927
Earthworms and Society Mary Pannele 909
Farrier Lass o' Piping Pebworth, The .... Amélie Rives 127
From the Ranks. A Novel Captain Charles King 761-879
Government and the Public Works, The . . . L. M. Haupt .... 553
How an English Girl Sought to Make a Living Genie Holtzmeyer 422
Howells, W. D., Literary and Social Recollections of L. R. McCabe 547
Is the Base-Ball Player a Chattel? John Montgomery Ward 310
Johns Hopkins University, Social Life at . . James Cummings 452
Keely Motor Secret, The C. J. Bloomfield Moore 300
Land of Love, A. A Novel . . Sidney Luska 169-249
Lesson of Practicality, The Junius Henri Browne 580
Life for Life Hjalmar H. Boyesen 277
Lind-Goldschmidt, Jenny Lucy C. Lillie 914
Mistress of the White House, The Lucy C. Lillie 81
Modern Spartacus, A Felix L. Oswald 717
My First Appearance Janet Edmondson 880
Ouida, Tho Truth about Edgar Fawcett 251
Red Mountain Mines, The. A Novel .... Lew Vanderpoole 327-421
School-Boy as a Microcosm, The John Johnson, Jr 726
Sketch in Umber, A Arlo Bates 745
Story of a Stanza, The John R. Tait 723
Suppressed Statesman of our Early Republic, A Moncure D. Conway 429
Terra-Cotta Bust, The. A Novel Virginia W. Johnson 611-716
University of Virginia, Social Life at the . . . J. B. Minor, Jr 98
Unpopular Kitchen, The ... Jane Ellis Joy 94
West Point, the Army, and the Militia . . . Fred. Perry Powers 111
Williams College, Social Life at James R. McDonald 572
With Gauge & Swallow. No. 1. Professor Cadmus's Great Case Albion W. Tourgée 890, My Experiences as a . . . . J. H. E. Whitney 592
Yale, Social Life at Arthur Edmands Jenks 290
Zobeide, the Snake-Charmer Annie Robertson Noxon 587
Our Monthly Gossip, comprising tho following Articles:
An Afternoon with Mrs. Mulock-Craik . . . Leigh Nath 936
Certain Little School-Teacher, A L. S. H. 600
Complaint anent the Calendars A. J. M. 320
Curiosities of Literature, Some L. S. H. 752