Our Monthy Gossip—Continued:
Evolution of Proverbs, The . . W. W. Crane 751
Femine Nom de Plume, The Joel Benton 933
How a Contributor looks upon Things The Author of
158How an Editor looks upon Things E. L. B 160
Kooly Motor viewed by a Practical Engineer, The Russell Thayer 602
St. Inier 458
An Amateur 460
Rebuttals and a Sur-Rebuttal Robert Waters 460
The Editor 461
Rejected Articles Mahala B. Chaddock . 938
Why One man became an Author J. P. T. 603
Woman Labor C. L. Eckel 599
As Days go down the West Marion Manville 750
At Nightfall Mary Bradley 736
Dinah Maria Mulock-Craik Mary B. Dodge 933
Golden Noon Maurice F. Egan 126
Her Heart Bessie Chandler 889
Homesickness of Ganymede, The Edith M. Thomas 250
Immunity Louise Imogen Guiney 571
In Somno Veritas Willis Boyd Allen 743
Latent Kate Putnam Osgood 270
Looking Backward Rose Hawthorne Lathrop 926
My Love goeth forth Robert Burns Wilson 157
My Unknown Friend Frank D. Stickney 276
November Boughs Walt Whitman 722
Now Charlotte Fiske Bates 913
Passing of the Singer, The Charles Washington Coleman, Jr. . . 109
Promise .... Henrietta Christian Wright 552
Reconciled Kate Vannah 299
Remorse Alice Wellington Rollins 448
Seeker in the Marshes, The Daniel L. Dawson 679
Sleep and Death Ella Wheeler-Wilcox 908
Song Robertson Trowbridge 458
Sorrow of the Sea, The William H. Hayne 289
Statue, The John B. Tait 725
Summer's Recokoning, A H. W. F. 598
Unrest A. Lampman 451
'Zekiel's Infidelity Thomas Nelson Page 79
Book-Talk W. S. Walsh. . .164, 321, 464, 604, 754, 939