Our Monthly Gossip, continued:
Collegiate Education for Women E. F. W. 861
Craddock, Charles Egbert, Some Hints to 364
Critics, Edgar Fawcett on A. R. W. 522
Germ Theory of Ideas, The Louise Stockton 1034
Howells and Realism W.H.B 184
Literary Log-Rolling 689
Margaret Harold Again A. W. R 324
Morality in Fiction A. W. R 178
Poetry :
Blasé Ella Wheeler Wilcox 484
Coin of Lesbos, A Sarah M. B. Piatt 998
Counterparts Alice Wellington Rollins 306
Cro-a-tán, The Mystery of. An American Ballad Margaret J. Preston 645
Czar, The Lonely Mary B. Dodge 1033
Dead Birds and Easter May Riley Smith 851
Dilemma of the Nineteenth Century, The . . Rose Elizabeth C leveland 140
Foretokens. A Sonnet Frank D. Stickney 860
Golden Age, The C. R. Crandall 338
Heredity Frederick Peterson 970
My Grave. A Sonnet Philip Bourke Marston 687
Psyche Florence Earle Coates 468
Spring Song, A Bessie Chandler 669
The Water of Gold Austin Dohson 120
Walt Whitman, To. A Sonnet Francis Howard Williams 132
Book-Talk W. S. Walsh . . 186, 358, 525, 691, 863, 1037
Blunder, A Bachelor's 187
Browning's Last Volume 692
Dowden's " Life of Shelley" 864
Draw Poker, The Game of 1040
Golden Justice, The 528
He Fell in Love with his Wife 191
Is Realism Possible? 866
Last Works of Stevenson and Haggard, The 867
Memoirs of Robert E. Lee 528
Minister's Charge, The . = 359
More Christmas Books 192
Old Order Changes, The 188
Outlook for Poetry, The 691
Practical Cheirosophy 1040
Princess Casamassima, The ?,b9
Rankell's Remains 527
Recent "S^olumes of Poetry by Known and Unknown Authors 69-^
Recitations, My 358
Sentimental Calendar, The , , 527
She Stoops to Conquer 360
Some New Novels 1038
Tennyson's Last Book 525
Two Books of Travel 696
Two Unconscious Humorists 695
With Reed and Lyre 528