A First-Class Magazine in Every Respect.
LIPPINC()TT’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. A Popular Journal of General Literature.
PROSPECTUS FOR 1886. ITH the issue for January, 1886, important changes will be made in the literary character and typographical appearance of Lippincott’s Maga , zine, which, while more than maintaining the former standards of excellence, will, it is expected, materially increase its popularity and widen its sphere of usefulness. The distinctive features of Lippincott’s for the coming year will be as follows :
It will be a live periodical, interesting itself in all the current topics of the day, literary, artistic, political, and social, and enlisting in their discussion the ablest pens in England and America. A fair hearing will be accorded to all sides of a controversy, though the magazine will strictly preserve its own neutrality. It will be especially strong in fiction. A new novel, entitled “ A Bachelor’s Blunder,” by W. E. Norris, author of “Matrimony,” “No New Thing," etc., who is perhaps the cleverest of the rising authors of England, will run through the year, accompanied by a brilliant serial, dealing with the literary and dramatic life of New York City, from the pen of a writer who prefers to keep his name a secret, but whose every touch reveals an intimate acquaintance with the scenes which he describes. By special arrangement it will be the authorized medium through which the choicest stories, essays, and sketches by transatlantic authors will reach the
American public simultaneously with their appearance abroad. Under this arrangement contributions may be expected from W. H. Mallock, Matthew Arnold, Edwin Arnold,
“Ouida," F. Anstey, Wm. Black, Austin Dobson,
Andrew Lang, E. Gosse, Swinburne, etc., etc. It will number among its American contributors such writers as Gail Hamil ton, Julian Hawthorne, Harriet Prescott Spofford, John Bach McMaster, “ I. S. of Dale," Brander Matthews, F. C. Baylor, Mary Anderson, Bret Harte, etc., etc.
It will be the cheapest first-class magazine issued in America. Recognizing the needs of the time for good literature at moderate prices, the publishers have decided to lower the subscription price, commencing with the new volume, to a sum that will place Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine within the reach of all. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. Subscription Price, $2.00 per Annum, in Advance. Single Numbers, 25 cents, Liberal Terms to those desiring to get up clubs. WA Specimen Number sent free on application. Win remitting payment of subscription, a Post-Office Order or a Draft on
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J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, Publishers, ‘HF d 7|? Market. Street, PhlIadelphla_