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Townshend, Charles, i. 146, 161, 170, 174; his scheme for taxing the Colonies, i. 186, 365; Colonel Barré's reply to, on the Stamp Act, i. 223; and the East India Company, i. 296; his views on American affairs, i. 307; opposes the Ministry on the Indian question, i. 314; his "Champaign" speech, i. 321; death of, i. 325
Townshend (Viceroy of Ireland), i. 344; interview with the Junto, i. 349; letter to Lord Shelburne thereon, i. 350; Bill on Irish Legislation, ii. 223
Townshend, Joseph, ii. 332
Townshend, Thomas, Secretary of State, ii. 155; letter to Oswald on the peace negotiations, ii. 173; created Lord Sydney, ii. 263; takes office under Pitt, ii. 281
Traitorous Correspondence Bill, ii. 406, 407
Treason, Statute of, ii. 407
Treaties, of Amiens, ii. 429; draft treaty with America, sent to England by Oswald, ii. 184; Lord Ashburton's, with America, ii. 201; of Paris, ii. 218; the Commercial, with France and the United States, ii. 217, 220; of Loo and Berlin, ii. 370; of Utrecht, i. 431; ii. 111; the, of Corsica, with France, i. 368, 369
Triennial Parliaments, Sawbridge's motion for, ii. 57
Trudaine, M., i. 426, 430
Tudor, Government under the House of, i. 17
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, ii. 114; Condorcet's Life of, ii. 306
Turkey, Russian war with, ii. 371
Turnbull, Mr., arrested as a spy, ii. 66
Turner, Sir J., i. 145
Tweeddale, the Marchioness of, i. 222
Tyrone, Lord, i. 354
"Undertakers," government of Ireland by men called, i. 240
Union, Legislative, of England and Ireland, ii. 420
"United Irishmen," ii. 419
United Opposition, the, i. 393
United States. See American Colonies
Utrecht, the Peace of, i. 24, 114
Utrecht, the Treaty of, i. 43 1; ii. 111
Vaccination, Dr. Ingenhousz and the discovery of, ii. 314
Van Berckel, the Pensionary of Amsterdam, ii. 78
Vansittart, Henry, on the Government of India, i. 294
Vaughan, Benjamin, ii. 165, 175, 183, 204; Oswald on, ii. 219; letter to Lord Shelburne, ii. 269; letter to Lord Shelburne on the Pitt Ministry, ii. 285; letter to Lord Shelburne, ii. 375; goes
to America, ii. 390; becomes member for Calne, ii. 399; description of Fête de la Fédération, ii. 462
Vergennes, M. de, the French Minister, i. 485; ii. 2, 113, 114, 120, 126, 128, 130, 137; on Oswald's mission, ii. 144; his reply to the proposals of the English Cabinet, ii. 147; and the peace negotiations, ii. 171, 173; on the cession of Gibraltar, ii. 197; and the negotiations, ii. 205; letter to Lord Shelburne on the treaty for peace, ii. 207; his son, ii. 207, 393
Vermont, i. 179
Vernon, Admiral, i. 41
Vernon, Miss Caroline, ii. 325, 334, 398
Virginia, i. 179
Viri, the Count de, i. 109
Viri, Madame de, ii. 264
Volunteers, Lord Shelburne's circular letter suggesting a levy of volunteers, ii. 93
Waldegrave, Lady, anecdote of, i. 268; marriage with the Duke of Gloucester, i. 443
Waldegrave, Lord, i. 64; Henry Fox on, i. 142; and Cardinal Fleury, i. 484
Walderen, Madame de, i. 393
Wales, Dowager Princess of, i. 46, 49; and the Queen, i. 50; her treatment of her children, i. 53; and William Pitt, i. 54; remarks on Lord Shelburne, i. 214
Wales, Frederick, Prince of, i. 46; his portrait, i. 48; Mr. Hamilton and, i. 48; and Lady Middlesex, i. 237; and the Regency, ii. 425
Wallace, Attorney-General, and Lord Ashburton, ii. 288
Walpole, Horace, his opinion on the disagreement between Mr. Fox and Lord Shelburne, i. 165, 166; on Lord Shelburne's oratory, i. 486; on Lord Shelburne's second marriage, ii. 37; letter to Lord Harcourt, ii. 154; attacks Lord Shelburne, ii. 230, 266
Walpole, Sir Robert, his policy, i. 27; and Lord Sunderland, i. 27; anecdotes of, i. 28; Lord Shelburne's estimate of his character, i. 27; and old Mr. Craggs, i. 31; his policy and method of work, i. 32; anecdotes of, i. 32; and the Queen of George II., i. 33; resignation
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