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England, ii. 33; and the American Colonies, ii. 115; the demands of, in the negotiations for peace, ii. 188; and the cession of Gibraltar, ii. 197; the Floridas offered to, ii. 214; preliminary articles of peace between Great Britain and, ii. 453
Stair, Lord, i. 63; speech on the Boston correspondence, i. 468
Stamp Act, i. 222; Lord Shelburne's attack on the, i. 252; Lord Hardwicke on the, i. 260
Stanhope, Lord, his History of England, on the quarrel between Mr. Fox and Lord Shelburne, i. 167
Stationery, abuses under the head of, ii. 226
Statute of Treason, ii. 407
Stephenson, Sir William, anecdote of, ii. 422
Stewart, John, his secret tour through France and Corsica, i. 364, 375; his interview with Pascal Paoli, i. 377
Stone, Mr., i. 32, 43, 44
Stone, Primate, i. 44, 239, 342, 343
Stormont, Lord, i. 485; attack on Lord
Shelburne, ii. 53; and the War with Holland, ii. 79; attack on the concession of independence to the Colonies, ii. 210, 212
Strachey, Henry, sent as additional negotiator to Paris, ii. 192; his instructions, ii. 192; his interviews in Paris with the other negotiators, ii. 200; Oswald on, ii. 202; returns to England, ii. 203; goes to Paris again with fresh instructions, ii. 204; letter to Nepean on the conclusion of the Treaty, ii. 207
Strafford, Lord, i. 25, 355
Stuart, Government under the House of, i. 17
"Subscription, Terms of," i. 439
Suffolk, Earl of, ii. 6
Suffren, the Bailli de, ii. 92
Sullivan, Lawrence, i. 219; on the government of India, i. 294
Sunderland, Lord, i. 26; and Sir James Lowther, i. 26; Sir Robert Walpole on, i. 27; death of, i. 31
Surrey, Earl of, his motion on the country being without an administration, ii. 260
Sweden declares war against Russia, ii. 371
Swift, Dean, on Sir William Petty's daughter, i. 3
Switzerland and France, ii. 431
Sydney, Lord. See Thomas Townshend
Talbot, Lord, i. 149
Talleyrand, letters to Lord Lansdowne, ii. 192, 465; in England, ii. 394
Talleyrand and Chauvelin, the French envoys, ii. 387
Tankerville, Lord, i. 368
Tavistock, Lord, i. 149
Tavora, the Marchioness, i. 388
Taxation of the Colonies, i. 181, 186, 192
Tea, the tax on, i. 404, 412, 465, 467, 474
Tea-ships, the Boston, i. 465, 467
Temple, Lord, the coolness between Mr. Pitt and, i. 225; ii. 27; death of, ii. 25; Lord Shelburne's account of, ii. 25; his Countess, ii. 28
Temple, Lord, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, ii. 155; and the order of Knights of St. Patrick, ii. 223; and the East India Bill, ii. 272; takes the seals, ii. 279; resigns them, ii. 280
Tenants, agents, etc., Lord Shelburne on, ii. 339, 346, 349, 364
Tenure, Judges', Bill, ii. 93
"Terms of Subscription," i. 439
Teschen, the Peace of, ii. 112
Test Act, repeal of the, i. 439
Thelwall, Home Tooke, and Hardy, trial of, ii. 415
Thermidor, the revolution of, ii. 412
Thrale's Villa at Streatham, Lord Shelburne hires, ii. 165
Thugut, the Austrian War Minister, ii. 410
Thurlow, Lord, on Lord Shelburne's oratory, i. 486; negotiations between the King and Lord Shelburne, ii. 87, 89; member of the Cabinet, ii. 90; his interview with the King, ii. 255; pension granted to, ii. 263
Tickell, Richard, his Anticipations of the coming Session, ii. 32
Ticonderoga, ii. 7
Tisdal, Attorney-General, i. 346
Tobago, ii. 217
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Ancien Régime, ii. 307
Toleration Act, i. 438, 440; ii. 46
Toleration Act and the Bishops, i. 440, 442
Tollemache, Lady Jane, i. 400
Tooke, Home (John Home), i. 461; and Dr. Price, Facts addressed to the Subjects of Great Britain and Ireland, ii. 65; and Hardy and Thelwall, trial of, ii. 415
Tories, not to be confounded with Jacobites, i. 38
Townshend, Alderman, i. 219, 409; anecdote of, i. 460; his friendship with Lord Shelburne, i. 461; the Abbé Morellet on, i. 461; and John Wilkes, i. 461, 463; death of, ii. 287
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