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Richmond, Duke of, i. 71, 82; on the affairs of the East India Company, i. 451; reply to Lord Shelburne on the same, i. 453; letter to Edmund Burke on the state of politics, i. 455; his motion for withdrawing the army from America, ii. 20; removed from the Lord Lieutenancy of Sussex, ii. 47; letter to Lord Shelburne on the Lord George Gordon Riots, ii. 57; conversation with Colonel Barré on the state of politics, ii. 66; Master General of the Ordnance, ii. 90; Lord Shelburne on, ii. 208; altercation with Lord Shelburne, ii. 303
Rigby, Mr., and Mr. Fox, i. 123, 165
Rights of neutrals, ii. 74
Rochefort, the expedition to, i. 72, 82
Rochfort, Lord, secret despatches of, i. 285; letter to Lord Shelburne on the annexation of Corsica, i. 369; resigns his secretaryship, i. 481
Rockingham, Lady, letter to Lord Shelburne, i. 391
Rockingham, Marquis of, and Lord Shelburne, i. 216; offers the Board of Trade to Lord Shelburne, i. 231; writes to the King concerning Mr. Pitt joining the Ministry, i. 258; sends a message to Mr. Pitt on the same subject, i. 259; conversation with Lord Shelburne concerning a change in the Ministry, i. 261; Mr. Pitt's comments thereon, i. 263; resigns office, i. 278; and the Stamp Act, i. 477; the Archbishop of York's attack on, i. 489; motion on the affairs of Ireland, ii. 42; letter to Lord Shelburne on the Yorkshire petition, ii. 50; anecdote about, ii. 61; the King again opens negotiations with, ii. 62; Lord Shelburne's negotiations with, ii. 82; the head of the new Administration, ii. 89; conversation with the King, ii. 92; and the Establishment Bill, ii. 104, 106, 108; illness of, ii. 148; death of, ii. 149
Rockingham-Newcastle Administration, i. 231
Rodney, Admiral, ii. 36, 92; in the West Indies, ii. 127; defeat of de Grasse in the West Indies, ii. 131, 137
"Rolliad," the, on Lord Shelburne, i. 487; on Lord Shelburne being created Marquess of Lansdowne, ii. 298
Roman Catholic Relief Bill, ii. 41
Romilly, Sir Samuel, visits Lord Shelburne, ii. 308; his pamphlet on the Rights and Duties of Juries, ii. 309
Rose, George, and Lord Shelburne, ii. 283
Royal Marriage Bill, i. 443; epigram on, i. 443
Royston, Lord, i. 146
Rule of 1756, ii. 74
Russia, relations with England in 1780, ii. 57; proclamation of armed neutrality, ii. 75, 77; policy of, in 1782, ii. 112; war with Turkey, ii. 371; war with Austria, ii. 371; assassination of the Emperor, ii. 429
Rutland, Duke of, ii. 233, 245; letter to William Pitt on Lord Shelburne, ii. 288
Ryder, Sir Dudley, on the taxation of the colonies, i. 182
Sacheverel, trial of, i. 24
Sackville, Lord George (afterwards Lord George Germaine and Viscount Sackville), i. 44, 168, 481; ii. 8, 17; his cowardice, i. 755 Lord Shelburne's account of, i. 236; in Ireland, i. 240; and the Duke of Marlborough, i. 241; created Viscount Sackville, ii. 84; debate in the House of Lords thereon, ii. 84
Sackville, Lord John, i. 237
St. Asaph, the Dean of, and Mr. Fitzmaurice, ii. 379
St. Kennis, bridge at, i. 352
St. Patrick, Knights of the Order of, ii. 223
Sandwich, Earl of, on Lord Shelburne's temporary retirement to the country, i. 217; becomes Secretary of State, i. 418 Saratoga, the battle of, ii. 20 Savile, Sir George, i. 411, 413, 440; Roman Catholic Relief Bill, ii. 41; presents the Yorkshire Petition on the expenditure, ii. 49; his Bill to abolish sinecure places, ii. 49; moves for an account of certain pensions, ii. 49 Savoy and Hampton Court Conferences, i. 438.
Sawbridge, Mayor of London, accused of a plot to assassinate the King, ii. 6; motion for triennial Parliaments, ii. 57
Schaub, Sir Luke, ii. 146
Scheldt, the opening of the, ii. 402
Scot, General, i. 7
Scotch, Lord Shelburne's hatred of the, ii. 308
Scotch College, James II.'s MSS. there, i. 271
Scotland, affairs in, during 1793, ii. 405
Seeker, Archbishop, i. 442
Secret Service, the expenditure of the, ii. 226
Secretary of State, division of the office of, i. 284; relations of the Board of Trade and the office of, i. 284
Seditious Meetings Bill, ii. 406, 409
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