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him a Marquisate, ii. 289, 293; the "Rolliad" on, ii. 298; the war with France, ii. 423; resignation of, ii. 425; becomes Prime Minister, ii. 432
"Place Bill," the, i. 41
Plantations, management of affairs relating to the, i. 175; offices in connection with the, ii. 229
Plays at Leicester House, i. 51
Pluralities, sinecures, and patents in 1783, ii. 226
Poland, dismemberment of, ii. 403; Prussian troops in, ii. 411
Police, Lord Shelburne on the reorganization of, ii. 60; Acts for regulation of the, ii. 229
Political proscription of 1762, i. 138
Politics, state of, in 1756, i. 16
Pompadour, Madame, i. 62
Ponsonby, Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, i. 343, 350, 351, 360
Poore, Edward, ii. 322
Pope, dispute between the, and the Bourbon Princes, i. 361
Portland, the Duke of, i. 16; on Lord Shelburne, ii. 5; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, ii. 91; letters to Lord Shelburne on Irish politics, ii. 95, 98, 99, 100; Walpole on the, ii. 152, 154; he resigns office, ii. 226
Portobello, taking of, i. 41
Postal arrangements, abuse of the, ii. 228
Potemkins, the, ii. 178
Poynings' Act, i. 339, 459; ii. 93, 98
Pratt, Charles, afterwards Earl Camden. See Camden
Preliminary articles of Peace, the debate in the House of Lords on the, ii. 236
Pressgang, Lord Chatham on, i. 417
Pretender, the, i. 26, 38, 47
Pretender, the young, i. 272
Price, Dr. Richard, i. 431; his friendship with Abbe Morellet, i. 431; his scheme for reducing the National Debt, ii. 63; his Observations on Civil Liberty and the War with America, ii. 65; freedom of the City of London presented to, ii. 65; and Lord Shelburne, ii. 307, 308; controversy with E. Burke, ii. 382
Priestley, Dr. Joseph, on atheism in France, i. 427; and Lord Shelburne, i. 434; introduces Shelburne to Eden, ii. 17; and Jeremy Bentham, ii. 330; and the story of Mr. William Petty's ghost, ii. 331; his literary and scientific work at Bowood, ii. 333; leaves Bowood, ii. 333; controversy with E. Burke, ii. 382; his chapel and private house destroyed, ii. 383; goes to America, ii. 390
Princess of Wales and the Earl of Bute, i. 51, 54; her widowhood, i. 52
Printers of Parliamentary debates, proceedings against, i. 422
Privy Council, the Duke of Devonshire struck from the list of the, by George III., i. 134
Proclamation of 1763, ii. 439
Proclamation against seditious writings, ii. 387; Lord Shelburne's speech thereon, ii. 388
Prohibitory Bill, bill for extending the, i. 482
Property, Lord Shelburne on the management of, ii. 342, 349, 364
Proscription, the political, of 1762, i. 138
Prussia and the French Revolution, ii. 410; the English subsidy to, ii. 411; negotiates with France, ii. 411
Public Advertiser, ii. 52; political squib in, i. 387
Public Loans, reform of, ii. 229
Pulteney, Mr., afterwards Earl of Bath. See Earl of Bath
Puxley, John, murder of, i. 337
Quakers, making of guns by, i. 275
Quebec Act of 1774, i. 474; ii. 115
Quincy, Josiah, i. 466
Ramsay, Miss Mary, ii. 119
Ratcliffe Library, Dr. King's speech at the opening of the, i. 27
Rayneval, goes to England as envoy from M. de Vergennes, ii. 175; his interviews with Lord Shelburne, ii. 177; his estimate of Lord Shelburne, ii. 182; again despatched to England, ii. 198; despatched to England a third time, ii. 207; his suggestions regarding Gibraltar, ii. 198; letter to Vergennes on the proposed cession of Gibraltar, ii. 214
Rebecq, Madame de, i. 429; her revenge on Abbé Morellet, i. 429
Reform Act, Burke's, ii. 224
Reform, Parliamentary, ii. 104, 105, 388
Regency Bill, i. 226, 227
Regency question and Lord Shelburne, ii. 425
Reichenbach, the Convention of, ii. 371
Religious toleration, i. 425
"Remitters," the, i. 38
Restraining Bill, i. 452
Revenue officers, Bill for disqualifying, from voting, ii. 56
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, i. 218
Rhode Island, i. 180, 183
Richelieu, Marshal, i. 73
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