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the Earl of Bute, i. 199; his interview with the King, i. 202; motion for the dismissal of ministers, ii. 415
Bedford Party in 1767, i. 321; and the Indian lands, i. 333
Bedford Whigs, and Lord Shelburne, i. 361
Belgium, the French conquests in, ii. 402
Belleisle, Marshal, i. 73
Benevento seized by Naples, i. 361
Bentham, Jeremy, on Lord Shelburne's oratory, i. 486; on Rayneval and M. de Vergennes, junior, ii. 209; his friendship with Lord Shelburne, ii. 315; his character, ii. 316 5 on Lord Shelburne, ii. 322; his letters to his father on the life at Bowood, ii. 324; his friendship with Dumont, ii. 330; and Dr. Priestley, ii. 330; letter to Lord Shelburne on the Revolution, ii. 393; letters to Lord Shelburne, ii. 399, 401; on Lord Shelburne, ii. 435
Berkenroode, M., the Dutch Minister, at Paris, ii. 137
Berkenroode and Brantsen, the Dutch plenipotentiaries, ii. 198, 215
Berlin, the Treaty of, ii. 370
Bernard, Sir Francis, Governor of Massachusetts, i. 300; Lord Shelburne's letter to, i. 300; Lord Shelburne's remarks on, i. 317
Bernis, Cardinal de, i. 62, 425
Bernstorff, Count, the memorial of, ii. 424
Berwick, Duke of, i. 22
Birmingham, Lord Shelburne's account of, i. 276
Birmingham Riots, ii. 382
Bishops, the, and the Toleration Act, i. 440, 442; Lord Shelburne on, ii. 11; vote of, on the debate on the Preliminary Articles of Peace, ii. 242
Blackstone, Sir William, i. 219
Board of Trade, ambiguous position of, in 1763, i. 173; Lord Shelburne appointed President of, i. 175; relations of the office of Secretary of State and the, i. 284
Bolingbroke, Lord, and the Duke of Marlborough, i. 21; his letters, i. 25; and Mr. Mildmay, i. 23; and Lord Oxford, i. 22, 23
Boniface VIII., i. 361
Boroughs, Lord Shelburne on, ii. 357
Boscawen, Admiral, on the Scotch, i. 70
Boston, meeting at, to protest against the new taxation, i. 365; the riots in, i. 385; the assembly is dissolved, i. 385; fresh riots in, i. 405; the North American fleet ordered to rendezvous in the harbour of, i. 412; tea-ships, i. 465, 467; the disturbances in, i. 468, 472, 473
Boswell's account of Corsica, i. 362
Bottetort, Lord, i. 394
Boufflers, Madame de, i. 425
Boulton, Matthew, i. 401
Boundary, the Maine, ii. 221
Bourbon Princes, dispute between the, and the Pope, i. 361
Bowes, Chancellor, i. 346, 356
Bowood, description of, i. 216
Boyle, Hamilton, afterwards Earl of Cork, i. 15
Boyle, Henry, Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, i. 342; created Earl of Shannon, i. 343; and Speaker Ponsonby, i. 350, 351, 353, 360 Braddock, General, i. 63
Brandywine, the Battle of, ii. 7
Braxfield, Lord Justice Clerk, ii. 405
Bread Riots, ii. 408
British Museum, the Lansdowne collection at the, i. 217
Britton, John, visits Lord Shelburne at
Bowood, ii. 310
Brooksbank, Mr., ii. 227
Brown, "Capability," i. 269
Bryan, Mr., i. 20
Bunbury, Mr., his proposed motion against the German war, i. 105; Mr. Fox's epigram on it, i. 105
Bunbury, Lady Sarah, her elopement with Lord William Gordon, i. 398
Burgoyne, General, i. 247; on the East India Company, i. 447; his expedition from Canada, ii. 7; Lord Shelburne on, ii. 8
Burke, Edmund, speech on the Stamp Act, i. 257; and the old Whigs, i. 267; on Corsica, i. 362; Thoughts on the Causes of the present Discontents, i. 411; and the East India Company, i. 449; on the state of politics in 1772, i. 454; his proposal to repeal the Tea Duty, i. 474; his plan of Economic Reform, ii. 49, 62; and the Nonconformists, ii. 62; Col. Barre's opinion of, ii. 68; Paymaster-General, ii. 91; on the Shelburne Party, ii. 153; attack on Lord Shelburne, ii. 160; speech on the treaty with the American Colonies, ii. 212; on the Reform in Government offices, ii. 224, 229; on the French Revolution, ii. 375, 382; controversy with Drs. Price and Priestley, ii. 382
Bussi, M. de, and the Duke of Bedford, i. 100
Bute, Earl of, Lord Shelburne's letter to
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