which purpose, we have given power under our Great Seal to the Governors, of our said colonies respectively, to erect and constitute, with the advice of our said Councils, respectively courts of Judicature and public justice within our said colonies, for the hearing and determining all causes, as well criminal as civil, according to Law and Equity, and as near as may be, agreeable to the Laws of England, with liberty to all persons, who may think themselves aggrieved by the sentence of such courts, in all civil cases to appeal, under the usual limitations and restrictions, to us, in our Privy Council.
We have also thought fit with the advice of our Privy Council as aforesaid, to give unto the Governors and Councils of our said three new colonies upon the continent, full power and authority to settle and agree with the inhabitants of our said new colonies, or any other person who shall resort thereto, for such lands, tenements and hereditaments, as are now or hereafter shall be, in our power to dispose of and them to grant to any such person or persons upon such terms and under such moderate quit rents, services and acknowledgments as have been appointed and settled in other colonies, and under such other conditions as shall appear to us to be necessary and expedient for the advantage of the grantees and improvement and settlement of our said colonies.
And whereas we are desirous upon all occasions to testify our Royal sense and approbation of the conduct and bravery of the officers and soldiers of our armies, and to reward the same; We do hereby commend and impower our Governors of our said three new Colonies, and other our Governors of our several provinces of the continent of North America, to grant without fee or reward, to such reduced officers and soldiers as have served in North America during the late war and are actually residing there and shall personally apply for the same, the following quantities of land, subject at the expiration of ten years to the same quit rents as other lands are subject to in the province within which they are granted, as also subject to the same conditions of cultivation and improvement, viz.:
To every person having the rank of Field Officer | 5000 acres. |
To every Captain | 3000 acres„ |
To every subaltern or Staff Officer | 2000 acres„ |
To every non commissioned Officer | 200 acres„ |
To every private man | 50 acres„ |
We do likewise authorize and require the Governors and Commanders in chief of all our said colonies upon the continent of North America to grant the like quantities of land, and upon the same conditions, to such reduced officers of our navy of like rank,