de l'Amérique (Paris, 1886-1890), has treated the subject from the point of view of the French negotiators; and The Relations of the United States and Spain, by Admiral Chadwick (London, 1911), has added much interesting information on the policy of the Continental Powers and of Spain in particular, to the story of the negotiations.
The frontispiece to the first volume is from the portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, painted in 1764. The original is at Lansdowne House. The frontispiece to the second volume is from the group with Lord Ashburton and Colonel Barré, for which Lord Lansdowne sat in 1788 and 1789, and belongs to Lord Northbrook.
The caricature, reproduced at Vol. II. p. 155, representing Fox and Lord John Cavendish leaving the Treasury, while the heads of Lord Shelburne, Lord Ashburton, and Barré grin at them from over the archway, is by Sayer.
The caricature by Gillray, reproduced in Vol. II. p. 200, was drawn in 1787, at the time of the debates on the French Commercial Treaty, when the attacks on Lord Shelburne made in regard to the negotiations of 1782 were revived.
The caricature in Vol. II. p. 164, "Guy-Vaux and Judas Iscariot," is anonymous, and was published in 1782. It purports to be an addition to the Dialogues of the Dead, published by George, Lord Lyttelton, who died in 1773.
Leigh House, Bradford-on-Avon,
June 1912.