Public Life, Farewell to Politics, 333
His Democracy Defined, 848
Punishment for Breach of Rules, 71
" Released," 183
" Ride of Collins Graves," 146
Riel, Louis, his Execution, 364
Riley, James Whitcomb, Poem on
O'Reilly's " In Bohemia," 300
Roderiijue Island, Adventure at, 86
Roasa, O'Donovan, 17, 331, 258
Russell, Lord Odo, 46
Sackville West, English Minister's
Mistake, 834
SappMre, Bark, 89
Seiders, Capt., Takes O'Reilly Pas-
senger, 89.
Sentence, 47
Sepoys Blown frorti the Cannon's
Mouth, 363
Slattery, Rev. J. R., 836
Solitary System at Millbank, 49
" Songs, Legends, and Ballads," 145
" Songs of the Southern Seas," 144
Speech, " For the Press," 130
on the Catalpa Rescue, 170
Stage Irishmen, 139
Staniford Street Lodgings, 183
Stanley, Henry M., 136
St. Botolph Club Founded, 199
" Statues in the Block " Published,
Stephens, James, Escape, 18
Stoddard, Charles Warren, Letter to,
Strathnairn, Lord, the Sepoy Exe-
cutioner, 363
Sullivan, T. Russell, Poem, 301
Talbot, Informer, 14, 15
" Taverner," Anecdote, 313
Estimate of O'Reilly, 399
Taylor, Col. C. H., 867
Teeling, Rev. Arthur J., 363
Traitor, Punishment of a, 168
Trial, 33-47
Tribune. New York, Offer of Em-
ployment, 136
Underwood, Francis H., Farewell
Poem to, 365
" Useless Ones," his Last Poem, 343
Victoria's Jubilee, 303
O'Reilly in Fanueil Hall, 306
Vigilant, Whaling Bark, 79
Volunteers, His Service in Lancashire
Rifles, 7
Walker, Edwin Q., 369
Watkinson, Capt. James, 6
Whale, Perilous Adventure with, 84,
"What is Good?" 337
Whittier, John G., Letter from, 314,
" Wild Goose," 67
Woman's Rights, Editorial, 327
Woodbury, Hon. C. L,, 366
Young, Alexander, 75
Cornell Catholic
Union Libraiv.