Decoration Day Speech, 391
Demagogues, Denunciation of, 137
Devoy, John, 15, 16, 17, 157
Dismal Swamp Cruise, 315-319
Disraeli, Comments on his Career, 304
"Doctor of Laws," from Notre Dame
University, 303
Donalioe, Patrick, 154
Dowth Castle, 8, 863
Drogheda Argus, 5
Drogheda Massacre, 1
" Dynamite Policy," 330, 357
Editorials, IJis Last, 853
Editorial Work, 141
Emmet Centenary Poem, 184
" Ensign Epps, the Color Bearer,"
" Erin," St. Patrick's Day Poem, 313
Escape " Attempted," 55, 63
from the Settlement, 75-83
Esraonde, Sir T. H. 6., 337
"Exile of the Gael," 308
Paneuil Hall. Speech at Irish Meeting,
, 363
Fenian Civilian Prisoners Liberated,
Invasion of Canada, 107-115
Movement, 8
Pall-bearers, 359
Reception, 101, 103
Five-dollar Fund, 390
Ford, Patrick, of Iriih World, 336
Foster, Vere, 30
"Fredericksburg," 153
Prom the Heights, 837
Fulton, Rev. Robert, Eulogy, 860
Funeral Services, 359
Oazelle, Whaling Bark, 83
Gibbons, Cardinal, 356
Gififord, Capt., 83, 90, 133, 144, 356
Grand Army of the Republic, 853,
Grant, General, Anecdote of, 214
Gray, Sir John, 147
GTave at Holyhood, 873
" Hanged, Drawn and Quartered,"
Harrison, President, 371
Harson, M. J., Letter to,'338
Hassett, ThomaS, a Fenian Soldier,
Hathaway, Capt., 83-99, 132, 157, 170,
Harvey Duff, 14
Healey, Bishop, 373
Hebrews Defended, 343
" Here and Hereafter," Russell Sul
livan's Poem, 301
Hewitt, Mayor, on the Irish Flag, 313
Higginson, Col. T. W., 867
Hoar, Senator, 357
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 357
O. W., Letter from, 314
Holyhood Cemetery, 373
Home Life, 881
Rule Movement, 138, 143, 390
Eougoumont, Convict Ship, 67, 68
House at Hull, 197
Hull Life-savers, 330-333
Hurd, Charles E., 115, 133
Hussars (Service in the Prince of
Wales Own), 9, 10, 11, 13, 13
Hussey, Capt., 89
" In Bohemia " Published, 265
Informer, Treatment by O'Reilly, 47
Ireland, Last Sight of, 99
" Ireland's Opportunity," 307
Irish Delegates, O'Reilly's Speech at
Reception, 337
— - Flag, 335
Industries and Commerce, 280-
National League Convention, 231
National Members on his Death,
People Suppressed, 17
Protestant Patriots, 147
Irishman, O'Reilly's Letter to, 255
" Is it too Late ? " 258
" Jacqueminots," Translated to Span-
ish, 319
Jordan, Capt. , of the Ship Bombay, 99
Joyce, Dr. R. D., 103, 182
Kearney, Dennis, 184
Kelly, John Edward. 67, 335, 266
" Kindness is the Word," 337, 353,
. 379
" King's Men," 56-61, 341
La Grippe, Epidemic, 839
Lathrop, George Parsons, 358
Lavigerie, Cardinal, 340
Lavin, Michael, Fenian Soldier, 63
Lecture, First in America, 103
Lecture Tour in the West, 344r-346
Lecture, His Last in Boston, 843
Liberty Enlightening the World. 300
Literary Growth, 884
Life's Offer, 295
Methods, 387