Malone, Edmond, at Spa, 33, 37.
Malone, Edmond, visits England, 38.
Malone, Edmond, candidate as member for Trinity College, 42, 467.
Malone, Edmond, literary studies in London, 45.
Malone, Edmond, essay on the order of Shakspeare’s plays, 58.
Malone, Edmond, supplement to Johnson and Steevens’ edition of that poet, 67.
Malone, Edmond, lines on Shakspeare’s garden, 141.
Malone, Edmond, his edition of Shakspeare, 166.
Malone, Edmond, letter to Dr. Parr, 217.
Malone, Edmond, dines with Prince of Wales, 239.
Malone, Edmond, his book-sale, 276.
Malone, Edmond, visits Cambridge, 277.
Malone, Edmond, character by Boswell, jun., 309.
Malone, Edmond, anonymous, 318.
Malone, Edmond, person and manners, 319, 321.
Malone, Edmond, his studies, 323.
Malone, Edmond, History of the Stage, 325,
Malone, Edmond, dispersion of his papers, 327.
Malone, Edmond, collection of tracts, 327.
Malone, Edmond, disposal of his rare library, 329.
Malone, Edmond, as a scholar, 331.
Maloniana, 333.
Mansfield, Lord, 346, 348, 381.
Marlborough, Duke of, 139, 406, 440.
Marlay, Bishop, 53.
Mason, proposed life of, 307.
Mason, letter from, 193.
Melancholy, praise of, 455.
Melmoth, Mr., 358.
Mendez, the poet, 406.
Middleton, Dr., 340, 438.
Montague, Lady Wortley, 149, 437, 455, 456.
Narbonne, Count of, tragedy, 79.
Narbonne, Count of, epilogue to, 80.
Neve, Mr. P. H., 395.
New Place, lines on, 141.
, 129.Nichols, Mr., 456.
, Duchess of, 416.
O’Beirne, Bishop, 300.
Office, prospect of, 272.
Onslow, Lord, and Bishop Burnet’s history, 203.
Order of Shakspeare’s plays, 58.
Orford, Lord, 211, 221, 229,
Otway, the poet, 450.
Oxford, visit to, 195.
Pamela, notice of, 198.
Parr, Dr., epitaph on Dr. Johnson, 217.
Parsons, the artist, 397, 400.
Payne, Admiral, 241.
Percy, Bishop, 117, 182, 284.
Petrarch, 409.
Pindar, Peter, 364.
Pitt and Fox’s Oratory, 361.
Piozzi, Mrs., 175, 412.
Plumptre, Rev. J., 302, 457.
Poet, a wild, 237.
Pope, Alexander, 252, 346, 358, 369, 385, 397, 428, 448, 455.
Pope, Alexander, unfinished satire of, 365.
Pope, Alexander, and Bishop Warburton, 149.
Pope, Alexander, Lady Wortley Montague, 149.
Popiana, 265.
Portsmouth, Duchess of, 449.
Portraits of public men, 383.
Pretender, the, 24.
Pritchard, Mrs., 402.
Quin, the actor, 353, 354, 389, 417.
Quaker, the, and Dr, Johnson, 368.
Radnor, Lord, 437.
Raftor, Mr., 383.
Raynal, Abbé, 179.
Rebellion, domestic, 245.
Reed, Isaac, 293, 460.
Reynolds, Sir J., 65, 187, 190, 231, 394, 404, 432.
Reynolds, Sir J., letter from, 174.
Richardson, the novelist, 439.
Richardson, the artist, 399, 403.
Ritson’s pamphlet, 185.
Rogers and Malone, 204.
Roman portraits, 199, 209.
Roscommon, Lord, 404.
Rousseau and Hume, 127.
Rowley’s poems, 75.
Sacharissa, portrait of, 402.
Secker, Bishop, 383.