Academy, Royal Irish, 138.
Addison, Joseph, 452.
Ailesbury, Lady, 318.
Akenside, Dr., 413.
Amersham, visit to, 155.
Annotations on books, 316.
Anson, Lord, 444.
Appointment, public, expected, 272.
Astrological calculations on Shakspeare, 144.
Aubrey’s works, 221, 234, 456.
Avignon, 23, 26, 27.
Bagnell, Mr., 40.
Bagot, Sir W., 372.
Banks, Sir J., 384.
Bath, Lord, 345, 352.
Bandon, 21.
Baratasiana, 31.
Barretti, 159, 390, 391, 392, 394, 399.
Beattie, Dr., 369.
Beckford, Alderman, 444.
Blakey, the artist, 370.
Blaquiere, Colonel, 40.
Blackstone, Sir W., 413, 431.
Blount, Patty, 437.
Bolingbroke, Lord, 364, 375.
Boswell, James, 123.
Boswell, notices of Malone, 158.
Boswell, notices of Malone’s Shakspeare, 171.
Boswell, his death, 215.
Bracegirdle, Mrs., 374.
Brighton, visit to, 238.
Bulstrade, 428.
Burgh, Mr., 20.
Burke, Edmund, 65, 154, 180, 196, 368.
Burke, letter on Shakspeare, 169.
Burke, on his own conduct, 181.
Burke, letter on Irelands forgeries, 226.
Burke, grief on loss of his son, 228.
Burke, death of, 232.
Burke, Lord Charlemont’s regrets on, 233.
Burnet, Bishop, 202.
Burney, Dr., and Thrale’s house, 259.
Caldwell, Andrew, 268.
Camden, Lord, 349.
Canning, Right Hon. George, 256.
Cator, Mr., 414.
Chalmers, George, 225.
Chatham, Lord, 349.
Charlemont, Lord, 40, 46, 51, 70, 88, 90, 129, 136, 147, 165, 195, 227, 234, 242, 357.
Charlette, Dr., 409.
Chesterfield, Lord, 334, 352, 355, 416.
Chesterfield, Lord, letters, 356.
Chetwood, Rev. Mr., 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 31, 35, 38.
Chetwynd, Lord, 365.
Cibber, Colley, 448.
Clare, Earl of, 245, 249.
Congreve, the poet, 451.
Conspiracy, a tragedy, 229.
Cooper, Gilbert, 427.
Corke, Lord, Memoirs of Earl of Monmouth, 230.
Correspondents, 282.
Courtenay, Mr., 288, 384.
Cox, Archbishop, 427.
Craggs, Secretary, 351.
Creech, Thos., 456.
Cuzzoni, Signora, 390.
Daly, Mr. Denis, 35, 60, 61.
Dalrymple, D., 439.
Darius, Tibertus, 354.
Davenport, Rev. Dr., 140, 205, 283.
Davy, Sergeant, 407.
Dinner associates, 145, 278.
Dinner with Prince of Wales, 239.
Donne, D., 396.
Douglas, Bishop, 202, 436, 440.
Dowdeswell, Mr., 443.
Dryden’s life and works, 250, 260, 265, 436, 438, 447, 448, 451, 452.
Drumgoold, Mr., 381.
Dublin, 98; ancient theatre, 137.
Dunbar, Lord, 25.
Dyer, Mr., 419, 425.