been thrown with too fatal precision. An exhausted frame could not long sustain itself against increasing debility, former excesses in study, sedentary habits, and the weight of seventy-one years. He expired on the 25th May, 1812.
No place of sepulture had been named in his will; but Lord Sunderlin remembering a former conversation where something fell from him on the preference due to family burial-places, the body was removed to Baronston for interment.
None who knew the man but regretted the event. He had made no enemies but the worthless—such as aimed by fraud to impose upon public credulity. Those who possessed merit or character found in him a sincere friend. A kind disposition and gentlemanly manners enabled him to pass through life with few of its almost inevitable bickerings. Several tributes to his worth found their way into print. The following from an unknown correspondent, with a few additions by its editor, appeared in the journal (Gentleman’s Magazine) to which he had been a frequent contributor:—