the French should first form a settlement in the island. This little establishment disembarked at a place called 'Restdown.' The party, under the command of Lieutenant Moore, accompanied by Dr. Mountgarret, were found by Governor Collins in a most wretched state—almost approaching that of starvation; Lieutenant Bowen, in the Lady Nelson, having sailed on his return for Sydney, for provisions. Lieutenant-Governor Collins, after making many surveys, formed the headquarters at its present site, which he named 'Hobart Town,' after Lord Hobart, the then Secretary of State for the Colonies. The Calcutta, 50 guns, Captain Woodriff, which was left at Port Phillip by Governor Collins, arrived at the Derwent, June 23. The Ocean and Calcutta had on board the following officers and persons, who were to compose the Civil and Military establishments of the new and second colony in the Southern Ocean:—
"Civil.—Lieutenant-Governor, David Collins, Esq., Colonel, R.M.; Chaplain, Rev. Robert Knopwood, M.A.; Surgeon Superintendent of Convicts, Dr. Edward Foord Bromley, R.N.; Colonial Surgeon, William J. Anson, Esq.; Assistant Surgeons, Matthew Bowden, Esq., and William Hopley, Esq.; Deputy-Commissary-General, Leonard Fosbrook, Esq.; Deputy-Surveyor, George Predaux Harris, Esq.; Mineralogist, A. W. H. Humphrey, Esq.; Superintendents of Convicts, Messrs. Thomas Clark and William Paterson; Wesleyan Missionary, Rev. Mr. Crook and family.
"Military.—Lieutenant-Colonel Collins, R.M.; Lieu-