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°°°°Si°""“Y wi"* A i ` ‘‘ *l*° 1 t ;A % A k or this we haiie —one through, with j i¢ t book whose title ishpretixed roto this article.
It contairis iii: t a mass of with as if probably any and is from the of the
whose? talents have been for yeaiis devoted to
of purposes, the promotion of human tant, human happpiness. No woman, or single; ought be without a copy of this work, the rules i admirable guide in all the various situations in v*¤¤¤d e" ‘ t i,\étt; l a t
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A _ **Are there mothers among us ss__ selves of this precious manual, yyiii 8D€di aha guinea ih the discharge or ‘ Lot them take it; study it; pray over it; ssynifgg fund of invaluable maxirns and hints i`st mind, whence they may be readily drawn for daily The writings Sigourney are of a class that heads no ommendation other than they $`t‘ iizarry them Liil they go. The gentle andelevated breathes ofyioo A page; the matured thought, that enriches every simplicity and beauty, that marks every sentence, give of fascinatiop, which defies criticism, and allures sistibly, from step to step, till at length he Ends hirnhelf, at the his instructor bids him farewell. s father supply the mother of his children with i`li I ti·i> master its contents himself, that he may be prepared to discuss its main topics familiarly and thoroughly with the companion of his life, for their mutual benefit in the business common to themboth, of educating theiroffspring for usefulness and heaven." as i r