winged its way back to the ark, and of the good man who put forth his hand and drew her in [93] through the window to gladden her sorrowing mate. Tell how the wide, wasting waters swept over a disobedient world. Describe the lonely ark upon the mighty deep, bearing in safety the righteous family, while all the ungodly of the earth were drowned. Speak of the dead of Ararat rising above the dark main, of the exultation of the rescued animals, the warbling song of the birds let loose from their prison, and the higher joy of Noah, and his beloved ones, who knew how to pray and praise their Almighty Deliverer. One sacred story, thus broken into parts, is sufficient for many feedings of the infant mind. Be careful not to surfeit it, nor yet too much to indulge the curiosity of the ear to hear, without awakening the understanding to extract some useful aliment. In the broad range of sacred story, give a prominent place to the life and teachings of our Saviour, to the many forms in which his compassions wrought among the sick, the hungering, and the blind, the tempest-tost, the dying, and the dead, how he loved little children and drew them to his bosom, and blessed when sterner souls forbade their approach.
Not only by the volume of Inspiration, but by their daily intercourse with the animal creation, and from the ever open page of Nature, guide