son, true patriots and Christians. The residence of Mr. David Trumbull, a brother of the latter, is one of the most elegant in the place. They are erecting a good brick meeting-house, the expense of which is to be defrayed by a lottery.
"Columbia was the next settlement. There we made a stop, to give the horses water. The bell was just ringing for twelve. The sun beat down upon us with the fierceness of summer. We were glad to cast off some of our superfluous garments. Extremely fatigued we became ere we reached the tavern where we were to dine. I was thankful for assistance in alighting; for so cramped were my limbs by their confined position, I don't think I could have done it, and got into the house alone, for a kingdom. After refreshment and rest, we set off with fresh steeds and a new driver, their predecessors being wearied out by the hard labor of twenty miles. Soon we began to ascend and descend the far-famed hills of Bolton, with surprising rapidity. Sometimes we were entirely shut in; at others enjoyed an extensive and glorious prospect. The trees, in their autumnal robes, were gay with a thousand tints of yellow, red, and brown. Some had hastily thrown off all their attire, others were hourly dropping it. Here and there a sturdy oak bade defiance to the blast, the towering pine looked upward to the cloud, and the unassuming willow bent its head to the earth.