me in opinion that the fine exterior of a book has the same bearing on its contents that graceful manners have upon character, this one was uncommonly well executed for the times. A second and third edition were called for, and another simultaneously appeared in London.
16. "Poetry for Children."
This little book of one hundred and two pages, whose title reveals its object, was prepared with the belief that truths wrapped in rhyme may be made a powerful adjunct in early training, wakening the intellect, softening the heart, and imprinting lessons on the memory which time fails to efface. "Mother Goose's Melodies" have, however, so long held priority in the nursery, that it might be scarcely possible to make aught of a sentimental or serious character their competitor.
17. "Select Poems."
A collection of the more popular poems which had appeared during several years in various periodicals, with an admixture of new ones, was brought out in a neat volume of three hundred and thirty-eight pages, by publishers in the City of Brotherly Love. My consecrating prayer to Him who is able to make even weak things efficacious, was that it "might be sanc-