2. The Last Ride together
(From Her point of view.)
When I had firmly answered "No,"
And he allowed that that was so,
I really thought I should be free
For good and all from Mr B.,
And that he would soberly acquiesce:
I said that it would be discreet
That for a while we should not meet;
I promised I would always feel
A kindly interest in his weal;
I thanked him for his amorous zeal;
In short, I said all I could but "yes."
I said what I'm accustomed to;
I acted as I always do;
I promised he should find in me
A friend,—a sister if that might be:
But he was still dissatisfied:
He certainly was most polite;
He said exactly what was right.
He acted very properly,
Except indeed for this, that he
Insisted on inviting me
To come with him for "one more last ride."