"Those who live longest see most. Ten years make a difference in many women."
"It will make no difference in Helen, I am sure," said Georgiana.
"You are sure! what can you possibly know, or expect to know, of the feelings of a woman of rank? content yourself with your lot in life, which will give you a title ere long, I doubt not, that will set you above two sisters who have none, though it places you below the other two. Besides, you are romantic, and may grow more so, in which case every want and wish can be supplied to you by considering your sailor husband in the light of a hero. I can assure you, Georgiana, for your comfort, that to my own knowledge the late Duchess of Wellington was as much attached to him (who was indeed her heart's chosen one) when he was Sir Arthur Wellesley, as she was when, covered with the jewels he had won, she saw him divide the homage of the world with the sovereign who thought he could never do enough for him. Don't allow yourself, therefore, to be ashamed of Arthur."
"Ashamed! surely that is impossible; I am more likely to err the other way a great deal."
"You have not seen your sisters' carriages roll