in one but all mankind; it had converted a world of gloom into one of comparative brilliance, despite the clouds which overcast it. No wonder that "some natural tears she dropped, but wiped them soon," in consequence of Helen's observations.
"You see, Georgiana, it is not the party alone which cost mamma a good deal of money, for that was made up on every side, as it were, like the penny wedding in the print, for we paid for the fruit and gave her that beautiful velvet dress and cap, which cost nearly forty pounds; but it is the little matters which have occurred since. The marquess has dined here twice or thrice en famille, but still very expensively, as there was a French cook, and fine wines, and hired plate, because she did not choose the Palmers to know any thing about it. Then, finding he totally disapproved of Lady Penrhyn and that class of women, which he evinced very sensibly by repeating, in an approving tone, what Lord Meersbrook had said (which was, in truth, excellent), she took, all at once, to Lady Betty Laroche, and Miss Radcliffe, and their set of friends. She has had three parties since we were confined in the attic, which, although only in an evening and without music, were not without expence, for there was always a costly petit souper, which came from the hotel; and you know, whenever she began having things from that place, she always went on with it, until the scene was changed, and we removed either to Brighton or the Castle. It may be a good thing