over. With him it was an object to avoid the English at Paris and Rome; therefore he crossed France, through Brittany, and took shipping at Marseilles for Naples: as, however, he will find many there whom he knows, I think it likely he will conclude to accompany me to Sicily, which I shall be very glad of, for he is a most agreeable companion, and interests me exceedingly. I cannot be sorry that he has lost a wife who from the very first was a bad one, marrying him only for situation, and becoming at length so hardened, that she actually had the effrontery to tell him, she, with the assistance of her aunt (who, I grieve to say, is your's also, in courtesy), cajoled him into an offer, thereby dividing him from a woman who really loved him. I rather think she meant dear Mary.
"I had a very bad night after leaving him, but since then, have been much better, and shall, I trust, be soon enabled to tell you, my own dear Isabella, I am every way restored. Kiss the babe for me, and tell his mother I am her's, her's only.
"Frans. Glentworth.
"N.B. Say every thing kind to Mary and the Count, and don't suppose for a moment I had a sad night from contemplating poor Allerton's sad story, coupled with the proof he had given of my own sad looks. I must not have you think I could thus suffer