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kutenai tales


It was a girl. He kept her. The chief lived there, driving game. He skinned a buffalo cow. He started to go back. He took a travois. He started off. He put the meat into it. He started to go back. He came back. That chief did not give any meat to his parents-in-law. The old woman was hungry. The old man's son-in-law did not give him anything to eat. She had another child, a male. She said: "Do not tell the chief that I have given birth." She said to

her father: "Early to-morrow shoot a buffalo cow. Don't be afraid of the chief." Early the next day the old man shot a buffalo cow. He killed a cow. (The chief) went out early. He saw the old man skinning. He went in again. Hetookabow. He thought: "I will kill that old man." The chief started. He arrived. He said to him: "Did you kill a cow?" The old man said: "Yes, it is mine." The chief said: "No; it is not yours, it is mine." The chief took his bow.

tsuk^a'te*. qaosa'qa'ane* nci naso'uk^e'u naqau/lck. n'umitse'ite* He took her. He staid the chief driving game. Heskinne, lu'kpu's. latslma'xe*. tsuk"a'te* aa'q!ukamal'/se's. tskua'xe*. n'o- aoow. He started back. He took a travois. He started. qoxa"nte' aa'ku'laks*. latslma'xe*. lalaxa'xe*. qah/se* nawaspa'l'es He put into it the meat. He started back. He got back. Not he gave his parents-in- meat to law nCi naso'uk"e*n. nuwa'sine* nci tdna'mu. qah^sa'pse* nawaspaTe's that chief. She was hungry the old woman. Not he gave him his son-in-law to eat ne* nul'a'qana. lahaqa'Ite* t<r'tqa't!s. qak.la'pse* maats tsxana*'te'n' 5 the old man. She had a child a male. She said: " Don't talk about it to again naso'uk"e*n neis kohaqa'pmil. qak^'lne* t^tu'e's kanmi'yit wy'lna'm the chief that I have given birth." She said to her father: "To-morrow early hmtsm/tXaUe* lu'kpu*. maats hmts !on/lne* naso'uk"e'n. you will shoot a cow. Don't be afraid of the chief." kkanmi'yrt.s ww'lna'ms m^'tXaUe* lu'kpu's nCi nul'a'qana. The following day early he shot a cow that old man. n'uk!"il'^a'ne' lu'kpu's. Wi^'lna'ms n'anaxa'mne*. n'u'pXane* sak- One he killed cow. Early he went out. He saw nu*q!me'ise* nciS nul'a'qauas. Ia*tmaxa'mne'. tsuk^a'te* tia'wu's. 10 skinning that old man. He went in again. He took a bow. qalwi'yne* hul'u'pil nci nul'a'qaua. tslma'xe* nCi naso'uk"e'n. He thought: "Let me kill that old man." Restarted that chief. laxa'xe*. qak^'Ine* ke'm m'nko lu'kpu* kinsl'<r'lwa. qake'ine* He arrived. He said to " Is it yours a cow did you kill?" He said him: nei nul'a'qaUa he* n'^'n*e* ka^min. qake^ne* nci naso'uk"e'n that old man: "Yes, it is mine." He said that chief: wa'ha qa.^^n*e* m'nko. n'/ne* ka'min. tsuk"a'te* t!awu"e*s "No, hot it is 'yours. It is mine," Betook his bow

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