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bureau of american ethnology

[bull. 59

10. Coyote and the Woman


Coyote went along. There was a hill. He arrived on top. He saw a woman. Then the woman saw Coyote. She was afraid. Then she lay down. Then Coyote started. He saw the woman lying there. He thought she was dead. Coyote said: "Why is she dead? Let me see what killed her." Then he looked. He did not know what had killed her. Then Coyote started toward the backside of the woman. Coyote looked. He saw her backside. He tore it. He put his finger in. He smelled of it. He said: "It stinks. She has been dead for a long time." Then Coyote went on. The woman lay there. She thought: "Let me go to Coyote; let me marry him." Then the woman started. She got there. She said to Coyote: "Let us go to my tent." She started; she got to her tent. She staid there.

10. Coyote and the Woman


Qa'na'xc' skr'nku'ts. sw^tsler't.se*. youxa'xe*. n'u'pxane* He went along Coyote. There was a hilL He got on top. He saw pa'^lkciS. ta'xasneipalkei n'u'pXane* skr'nku'ts*. n'oni'hie*. ta'xas a woman. Then that woman saw Coyote. She was afraid. Then n'itxo'uHiek. ta'xas tslma'xe* sk^'n'kuts. n'u'pxane* pa'lkciS she lay down. Then he started Coyote. He saw the woman sakqa'pse*. qalwi'ync* ks/Fcps. qake^ne* skr'n'kuts qa'psins lying there. He thought she was dead. He said Coyote: "What

karTep. hultseika'tmil qa'psins ks/l'ep." ta'xas tscika'te*. 

is she dead? Let me see what killed her." Then he looked. qa.u'pxane' qa'psins ks^'l'eps. ta'xas tsl/na'xe* sk^'nku'ts Not he knew what killed her. Then he started Coyote aa'k^kpukl^'so's pa^'lkCiS. tscika'te* skr'nkuts. n'u'pxane* aa'k^kpu- tb her hackside the He looked Coyote. He saw her back- woman's. kl^'se's. n'uinitse'ise'. tsaqa*natsq!ahe'fne nakums^ke'ito*. qako'ine* side. He tore it. He pot his finger into it. He smelled of it. He said: kshiktu'k^e's pc^'klaks k.tsFup^'le'k. ta'xas tslma'xo* skr'nkuts. It stinks, long ago she has been Then started Coyote. killed." IQ qa'kqa'ane* nci pa^'lkci. qalwi'yne* hultsL'na'mil skr'nku'ts She lay there that woman. She thought: " Let me go to Coyote, kulsalv'tet. ta'xas tslma'xe* pa*'lkei. laxa'xe*. qakr'lne* sk.nkuts* let me marry him." Then she started the She got She said to Coyote: woman. there. hults Imaxa'la kaa'kr't.la. tslma'xe* laxa'xe* aa*k^t.la'es. "Let us go to my tent." She started, she got to her tent. qaosaqa'aHe*. She staid there.

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