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kutenai tales


ought to visit them." At night Coyote slept. Early , the next morning Coyote said to his wife: "Where are my clothes?" Coyote was given his clothing. Coyote dressed himself. Coyote started. He went along. He saw the tent of Kingfisher. Coyote went there. Coyote entered the tent of Kingfisher. He sat down. Kingfisher said: "Where is my sharp horn?" He stretched his hand back. He brought it forward. He put it down in front of himself. Kingfisher took it. He said to his children: "Go and get a switch." His two children went out. They brought in two switches. Kingfisher took them. He tied up his hair over his forehead. Kingfisher hopped about. He made noise when he started. He jumped and stopped on the smoke hole. He jumped down. The two children thought they would look out. Their mother said to them: "Don't look out! He might not find the hole in the ice where he went in."

xma hmqcna^milk^'lne*. kts^hni'y^t ought you to visit them." At night kkanmi'y^t.ts wi»'lna*ms qak/lne* The next morning early he said to kaaS ka'ku'qla'nt !. namat^kts/lne* " Where are my clothes?" He was given them n'ituqla'nt/le'k sk^'n'ku'ts. ts Irna'xe He dressed himself Coyote. n'u'pxane* sa'nit.la'ase* He saw tinaxa"mne* He entered there was the tent of sk/n'ku'ts Coyote He started q la'pqa'ls. Kingfisher. qlu'mne'ine* he slept t^hiamu"e'sts his wife aa'kuqla"nt !e*s his clothes sk^'n'ku'ts. Coyote. aa*k^t.la/'se's the tent of qaOxa xe* He went there qia'pqa'l. Kingfisher. sk^'n'ku'ts. Coyote. sk^'n'ku'ts Coyote: sk/n'ku'ts. Coyote. qa'na'xe*. He went along. sk^'n'ku'ts. Coyote. qaaUqa'me'k. He sat down. qake'ine* qia'pqa'l kaaS ke"e'n kul'a^^smqla'k.le*. la'ntaqahe'ine*. He said Kingfisher: " Where is my sharp horn? ft to*'nquwakak/n*e'. He put it before himself. qak/lne* alaqa'lt !e*s He said to his children: nci Ikamuk^^'ste'k. the two children. He put backward his hand. qaoxakiU^kts^'hie'. tsuk^a'te* q!a'pqa*l. It was put there. He took it Kingfisher. a^nyaxa'kcil la'm'. n'anak/sxa"mne' " Go out and get a switch! " They two went out la^tkaki's^lk/n*e* la'm's. tsuk"a'te* They brought in two switches. He took tnem q la'pqa'l. n'duk !"a'ts^nk lo-n/le'k. qakqanm^Hinqa'me'k q la'pqa'L Kingfisher. He tied his hair in front. n'a^qkupkilq !a^nlo*k"akr'me'k. He made noise when starting. nu'ne*. n'o'^nmeno^xunqa'ane*. there. He jumped down. k^n'aVaw^tsk/kine*. qak.la'pse* mae's they would look out. She told them their mother: keil. la^qa.i'^ktsk !a*^qon/le*k. qaosaqa'aue* He might not find the hole in the ice He staid there where he went in." He hopped about Kingfisher! aa*k lanqo* 't !e's qaowaxm^t' w^tsq !- he jumped and stopped nci lkamuk"/ste*k the maats "Don't To the smoke hole qatwi'yne* They thought two children an'awrtske'i- look outi sfc'nku'ts. Coyote. la-t- He

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