most blessed Light, O most amiable
Light, enlighten me! O ravishing Joy of Paradise, O fount of purest delights, O my God, give Thyself to me, and kindle vehemently in my inmost soul the fire of Thy love. O my Lord, instruct, direct, and defend me in all things. Give me strength against all immoderate fears and a cowardly spirit; bestow upon me a right faith, a firm hope, and a sincere and perfect charity; and grant that I may ever do Thy most gracious will. Amen.
The Reparation of Honor to the Sacred Heart.
O MOST amiable and adorable Heart of Jesus! centre of all hearts, glowing with charity, and inflamed with zeal for the interest of Thy Father, and the salvation of mankind! O Heart ever sensible of our misery, and ever in motion