are under his charge; that, together
with the flock committed to his care, he may arrive at life everlasting: through our Lord, etc.
Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory.
O GOD, whose goodness and mercy are unbounded, listen to the prayers we offer Thee in behalf of our suffering brethren, in purgatory. O bountiful Jesus, who upon the cross didst shed the last drop of Thy blood for the redemption of mankind, look with compassion upon the sufferings of these dear souls. Let some drops of that precious blood flow upon them, and purify their least stains, and extinguish the devouring flames in which they are plunged. Deliver them, O merciful Jesus, from that place of darkness and tortures, and receive them immediately into Thy paternal bosom, there to behold, and praise, and love Thee for all eternity.