CHAPTER XCVIII. Continoation of the atoiy of king Trivikranmscna and tho Vampiro 354 358 8tory of tho futhor that marriod tho daughter and the son that married tho mother 854 357
CHAPTER XCIX. Conohiaion of the story of king Tri vikramascna and the Vampire 358 3R< Continuation of the story of Hrig&nkadatta and i^aSdnkaTati 36u 3G2
CHAPTEE C. Continuation of the story of Mpg&nkadatta and sydnkavati 362 365
CHAPTER CI. Continuation of the etorj' of Mjigankadatta and S'asankavati 366 38< Story of Sundarasena and Mandaravati .,. 368-^385
CHAPTER CII. Continuation of the story of Mpgdnkadatta and S'aiankavati 387 396
CHAPTER CIII. Conclusion of tho story of Mrignkadatta and S'asankavati 396 40" Continuation of the story of Udayana and his son 4Ci.
CHAPTER CIV. Continuation of the story of Udayana and bis son , 41 1423 Story of the two Brahman friends , 412 42*
CHAPTER CV. Continuation of the story of Udayana and his son 425430 Storj* of Savitri and Angiras , 42G 427
CHAPTER CVI. Continuation of the story of Udayana and his son , 430 4U Story of the child that died of a broken heart , , 435 43G
CHAPTER CVII. Continuation of tho story of Udayana and his son 441448 Storj- of Kama 4ia