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��ABERDEEN, fourth Earl of, i. 366 .,

ABINGTON, Mrs., i. 196 n. ; ii. 49, 318 n.

Academy, i. 367 n.

ACADEMY of Literature, i. 435.

Accoucheur ; i. 129 .

ACCOUNTS, i. 32.

ACLAND, Sir T., ii. 207.

Acquaintance, i. 347 w.

Act, i. 76 .

ACTORS, i. 457 ; ii. 241 n., 248.

ADAM, Robert B., i. 87 n., 232 w. ; ii. 29 ., 439 ., 440 ., 442 #., 451 w., 460 ., 465.

ADAMS, President John, ii. 2 n.

ADAMS, Rev. William, D.D., answers Hume, ii. 437; death of his wife, ii. 203 n. ; Johnson's College days, i. 164, 362-3 ; Dictionary, i. 183 n. ; his guest, i. i i6n. ; ii. 198, 202 ; Prayers, i. 4, 1 19 n. ; pride, ii. 93 n. ; letter to Dr. Scott, ii. 460 ; mentioned, i. 439 ; ii. I33.

ADAMS, Mrs., ii. 202 .

ADAMS, Miss, ii. 461.

ADDISON, Joseph, Aristotle, ii. 62 ; attacks, i. 271 n. ; Battle of the Cranes, ii. 314 ; beggars, i. 204 n. ; Bunyan, i. 332 n. ; Busby, ii. 304 n, ; Button's coffee-house, i. 434 n. ; cant of sensi bility, i. 161 n. ; Cato, i. 284 n., 401, 462, 473; ii. 13, 415; chaplains, i. 364 n. ; Christianity, defence of, i. 81 n. ; conge d'elire, ii. 328 .; critic, i. 469; dessert, i. no n. ; drinking, ii. 336 ; flying, ii. 396 n. ; Hammond, Dr., i. 107 n. ; Hottentot, i. 384 n. ; hymn, ii. 393 ; invention, ii. 73 n. ; Latin poems, i. 459 ; longitude, i. 402 w. ; Lucan, i. 152 n. ; Milton, i. 483 .; More, Hannah, ii. 179 n. ; ' rattling through polysyllables,' ii. 352 ; Spectator, i. 392 ; Steele, loan to, ii. 3 n. ; Strada, i. 366 n. ; ii. 359 n. ;

��style, i. 233, 283, 466-70; Tickell's Homer, i. 482 ; ' wits of King Charles's time,' i. 385 n. ; wives, ii. 1 1 n ; wrote for money, ii. 91 n. Adventurer, i. 166 ., 403, 470 ; ii. 187,

35 1 -

Advertisement, ii. 29 n. ADVERTISEMENTS, ii. 454. ADVICE, i. 206.

AKENSIDE, Mark, i. 452 n. ; ii. 34, 327. ALCHEMY, i. 306 . ALEMBERT, i. 212 n., 365, 434. ALLEN, Edmund, i. 98, 100, 106, 438,

444 J JI9-

ALLEN, Ralph, ii. 15 .

ALLEN, Rev. Mr., ii. 7 ., 451.

ALLEN, , of Magdalen Hall, ii. 125 n.

Almost nothing, i. 88.

ALMS-GIVING, i. 204 ; ii. 393, 416.

Altar, i. 65 n.

AMBASSADORS, foreign, ii. no w.

AMERICA, Burke's speeches, i. 173 ; ii. 23 n.; Johnson, Taxation no Tyranny, i. 426 ; not admired there, ii. 51; violence, ii. 53, 55-7 ; Provincial Assemblies, ii. 47 ; Scottish settlers, ii. 403 ; war, i. 112 n. ; ii. 307, 424.


ANABAPTISTS, ii. 388 n.

ANACREON, i. 176.

ANDERSON, John P., i. 404 n.

ANDERSON, Dr. Robert, ii. 208.

ANDREWS, Rev. C. G., ii. 399 n.

Angel, i. 133 n.

Annals, i. 125-140.

ANNE, Queen, i. 133, 152, 360; ii. 338.


ANSON, Lord, i. 195, 402.

Anti-Jacobin, ii. 207 n.


Appose, ii. 118.

Araucana, ii. 441.

ARBUTHNOT, John, M.D., Johnson's

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