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��Thrale, Hester Lynch Vanity of Human Wishes.

��flattery, i. 344 n. ; ii. 202 ., 224 n.\ Garrick, ii. 249 n. ; Garrick, Mrs., ii. 194 n. ; Hogarth, i. 240 ; house in Grosvenor Square, ii. 193 n. ; in Harley Street, i. 106 n. ; in Argyle Street, ii. 451 n. ; income, i. 340 n. ; JOHNSON, advice about parties, ii. 14 n. ;

biographers, i. 166 ; death, i. 209; Dictionary ', i. 182; dis puting with, i. 189 n. ; estranged from, ii. 337 ; favourite couplet, ii. 422 ; health, ii. 353 ; ill-humour, i. 242 n. ; , imitated, i. 347 n. ; introduced to her, i. 232, 422; late hours, ii. 120; letters, ii. 363 n. ;

life soothed, i. 234 n., 422 n. ; ' knows nothing of her,' ii. 140 ; ' my mistress,' i. 149 ; neglected, i. 330 n. ; praise of her, ii. 272 ; and Prior, ii. 371 n. ; roughness, ii. 273 ; takes leave of her, i. in ; verses, i. 194, 258-60, 460 ; wagers, ii. 46 ; wearies her patience, i. 341 ;

week, ii. 117 .; lawsuit, i. 339; learning, i. 152 n. ; marriage, second, ii. 170, 353; money, care of, ii. 3*3; Montagu's Essay, i. 351; Paris, jour ney to, i. 74 .; portrait, i. 342 .; praise, i. 185 n. ; profanity, ii. 18 n. ; quotes Foster, ii. 41 ; sale catalogue, ii. 467 ; son's death, ii. 447-8 ; Streatham, i. 108 n. ; table, ii. 43, 352; Thrale's death, i. 96; ii. 101 n. ; verses, i. 197, 343; ii. 251 n., 353; Williams, Miss, ii. 175; wit, ii. 353; Young criticized, i. 258 ; mentioned, i. 104, 105 ; ii. 50.

THRALE, Hester Maria (Viscountess

Keith), i. 92 n., 103, 260, 291 ; ii.

294, 451.

THRALE, Ralph, i. 238. THURLOW, Lord Chancellor, i. 441 ; ii.

I 5i 369, 388; Johnson's pension, i.

441 ; ii. 150, 369, 388, 456. THYER, , ii. 364. TIBERIUS, i. 486. TICKELL, Richard, ii. 26 n. TICKELL, Thomas, i. 482. TILLOTSON, Archbishop, i. 207, 466;

ii. 429.

TINDAL, Dr., ii. 357. TOLCHER, Alderman, ii. 419.

��TOM THUMB, i. 203.

TONSON, Jacob, the younger, i. 382 n. ;

ii. 320. Tony, i. 281.

TOOKE, Home, i. 405 n. ; ii. 71 n., 339. TORIES, i. 171. TORRE, ii. 321, 377. Touching, i. 267 n. TOWER OF LONDON, ii. 52 n. TOWERS, Dr. Joseph, i. 396, 478, 482 n.


TOWNSHEND, Rt. Hon. Charles, i. 172 n.

TOWNSHEND, a printer, ii. 7 .

TRADERS, retired, i. 293 n.

Transcendental, i. 294 n.

TRAPP, Dr. Joseph, i. 171.

TREVELYAN, Sir George, Bart., i. 436 n.

TREVELYAN, Lady, ii. 178.

TRIMMER, Mrs., i. 156 n., 157 n.

TRIMMER, , i. 253 n.


Trocar, ii. 1 35 n.

TROTTER, T., an engraver, ii. 164.

Trundle, i. 312 n.

TRYSULL, i. 132.

TUCKER, Dean Josiah, D.D., i. 202 n. ;

ii. 186-7.

TUCKER, Miss, i. 300 n. TULL, Jethro, ii. 228 n. TURENNE, i. 270 n. TURKEY, ii. 391. TYERS, Jonathan, ii. 335 n. TYERS, Thomas, i. 290, 347 n., 458;

" 379> 380 n. ; Anecdotes, ii. 335-81.

U. Universal History, i. 267, 445; ii. 123,


UNWIN, T. Fisher, ii. 468. UPPER OSSORY, Earl of, ii. 137 n. URNS, ii. 428.

USHER, Archbishop, i. 461 ; ii. 48. UTTOXETER, ii. 427.


VACATION TASKS, i. 161. VALENTIA, Lord, ii. 12 n. VANDEWALL, Samuel, i. 300 n. VANDYKE, i. 481.

Vanity of Human Wishes, i. 180, 386, 3 87.,46o; ii. 313,422.

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