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��Romantic virtue Scott, Sir Walter.


ROMFORD, i. 305.

ROMILLY, Sir Samuel, Abbe Raynal,

i. 2ii n.; death of Adam Smith and

Johnson, i. 357 n. ; Windham, ii.

382 n.

ROSCOMMON, Earl of, i. 436. ROSE, Dr., i. 188, 419, 430, 452 ; ii. 419. ROSE, Mrs., ii. 419. ROTHERAM, John, i. 41. ROTHES, Lady, ii. 158. ROUEN, i. 215. ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques, Johnson like

him in certain respects, i. 158, 220 ;

coupled with St. Austin, i. 256 ;

authors' talk and writings, ii. 310 n. ROWE, Nicholas, i. 161 ., 252 ., 284;

ii. 142 ., 196 ., 197 ., 357 n. ROY, i. 245 n.

ROYAL ACADEMY, i. 436 ; ii. 330 n. ROYAL SOCIETY, ii. 398. RUABON, i. 308. RUBENS, i. 152, 153^. RUDDIMAN, Thomas, i. 253 ., 394 n. RUFFHEAD, Owen, i. 482. RUFFLES, ii. 139. RUSHOUT, Sir John, ii. 306 n. RUSSELL, Lord John, ii. 328. RUSSELL, Lord William, i. 252 . RUSSIA, Empress, ii. 147, 311; transla tions of English works, ii. 147, 237 n. ;

Garrick's fame, ii. 237 ; Vauxhall, ii.

237 n. ; war with Turkey, ii. 392. RUTTY, i. 41 n., 81 n. RYLAND, John, i. 388, 400 n. ; ii. 124,

126, 149, 151-2, 155- RYMER, Thomas, i. 105, 186 n.


SACHEVERELL, Rev. Dr. Henry, ii. 370. Sack, i. 309.

Sackville's Poems, ii. 70. SACRAMENT, ii. 310. SAILORS, i. 335 ; ii. 37 6 - SAINT-FOND, Faujas, i. 249 n. SAINT-SIMON, Duke of, i. 270^. SAINTE-BEUVE, i. 334 . ; ii. 229. SALISBURY, i. 115 n. ; ii. 399. SALLUST, i. 112 ; ii. 22., 372 . SALTER, Rev. Dr. Samuel, i. 179, 388. SALUSBURY, Rev. G. A., i. 259 n.

��SALUSBURY, Lady, i. 339 n. SALUSBURY, Mrs., i. 66, 206 n., 235 ; ii.

365 -, 379> 392.

SALUSBURY, Sir Thomas, i. 340 n. SANDERSON, Bishop, i. loow. ; ii. 128,

1 30 .

SANDWICH, fourth Earl of, ii. 330. SANDYS, second Lord, i. 217, 316 n.,

��SANDYS, Samuel, ii. 306 n. SANNAZARIUS, i. 366. SARPI, Father Paul, ii. 345. SASTRES, FRANCESCO, i. 77 ., 292, 447 ; ii. 134, 149-52, 154-5, J 5 8 > S^S "-,

454, 459-

SATIRE, general, i. 327.

SAVAGE, Richard, human nature, i. 208 n. ; intimacy with Johnson, i. 370-3, 376 ; ii. 370, 424; Life, i. 381, 387, 447 ; ii. 89, 343 ; Wanderer, i. 391 ; anecdotes of, ii. 161 ; late hours, ii. 326.

SCALIGER, Joseph, i. 410; ii. 377 .

SCEPTICISM, i. 120; ii. 287.

SCHOOLMASTERS, i. 163; ii. 17.

SCHOOLS, public, i. 294.

SCIPIONI, Alberto, i. 311 n.

SCONCES, i. 164^.

SCOTLAND AND THE SCOTCH, breeched, ii. 169; compared with Irish, i. 427 ; emigrants, ii. 403 ; Established Church, i. 428 n. ; fruit, ii. 170; 'God made it,' i. 265 ; insurrections, ii. 54 n. ; Johnson's prejudices, i. 264, 427-32; ii. 41 n., 49, 92, 216, 226, 333, 352; - visits it, i. 427, 475 ; learning, i. 321, 366 ., 419; ii. 5, 15, 4 8 > 38, 375 ; map, ii. 49 ; shoes, ii. 77 ; trees, i. 430 n.; ii. 51, 374, 468; whisky, ii. 44; writers, i. 188; ii. 10.

SCOTT, George Lewis, i. 180; ii. 183 n.

SCOTT, John (first Earl of Eldon), Fellow of University College, i. 42 n. ; first visit to London, i. 44 w. ; buttress of the Church, ii. 20 . ; Johnson's tea, ii. 76 n. ; at Oxford, ii. 406 n.

SCOTT, John, of Amwell, ii. 47.

SCOTT, Sir Walter, Bart., Antiquary, i. 430 n. ; attacks, i. 271 n. ; Boswell, i. 166 n. ; Cumberland, ii. 72 ; desidiae valedixi,\. 5 n. ; Forbes, Sir William, ii. 195 n. ; Friday Club, L 230 n. ; Hoole,

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