5 oo
��Reynolds, Sir Joshua Roman Catholics.
��lino, ii. 248 ; idol of every company, ii. 1 8 1 ; Infant Hercules, ii. 311 ; in vulnerable, i. 286 ; Italy, returns from, i. 178; JOHNSON, acquaintance with, ii. 294; antics, ii. 275, 338 n.; caricature, ii. 420; character, ii. 219-28 ; character-drawing, ii. 270;
checked immoral talk, ii. 45 n. ; conscience and shame, ii. 288 n. ; covered his ignorance, ii. 19 n. ; death, ii. 5, 152, 156, 203, 225;
Dedication, ii. 29 ; , Dialogues on, ii. 232-249; Dictionary, i. 182 .; downs, ii. 261 ; drunk, ii. 321 n. ; executor, ii. 81, 380 n. ; , funeral, ii. 388; hypocrisy not suspected, ii. 9 n., 114 n. ; in fluence, ii. 229-231; Italy, i. 441; ii. 459 ; Life, ii. 26 n. ; passions, i. 246 . ; pictures, i. 214; ii. 40, 102, 401 ; portrait, i. 313 ; ii. 9, 164 n., 199 n., 2747*., 375, 461 n., 465 ;
prejudices, i. 264 . ; promptitude, i. 285 n. ; ii. 77; : recitations, i. 347 w.; roughness, i. 212 n. ; 'school,' ii. 227, 230, 359 n. ; silence, ii. 178 ; tea, ii. 75 ; writings not read, ii. 42; knighted, ii. 322; laced coats, i. 253; Literary Club, i. 229-30, 420 ; ii. 23, 26, 30, 32 ; macaw, ii. 179 ; Malone's Shakespeare, ii. 24 ; monu ment, i. 230 n. ; Ossory, visits Lord, ii. 23 n. ; portrait, i. 342 . ; prosperity, i. 286; Richmond house, ii. 457; Royal Academy, ii. 330 n. ; Rubens, i. 152, 153 n.; sisters, ii. 455; stories, i. 225 ; Streatham portraits, i. 109 n., 342 ; Thrale's manservant, ii. 449 ; will, ii. 457 n. ; wine, i. 327 . ; ii. 75 ; mentioned, i. 335 n., 351 n. ; ii. 33, 49. 5 2 53, J 82, 187-8, 193 n., 194, 258, 266, 269, 270, 272, 292-3, 298 n., 350 ., 362 ., 363.
RICHARD II, i. 149 .
RICHARDSON, J., ii. 377 n.
RICHARDSON, Samuel, character, ii. 251 ; Clarissa, i. 260 n., 282, 297, 319 n.; ii. 251, 439 ; compared with Fielding, i. 282 ; ii. 190 ; flattery, i. 273 ; Johnson and Hogarth, ii. 401 n. ; letters to,
��ii. 435-8 ; loan to, i. 413 ; ii. 323 ; sought after him, ii. 180 n. ; Rambler, i. 393 n.; ii. 351 ; makes him rear, ii. 439 n. ; Sir Charles Grandison, i. 169 n., 170 n., 221 n., 300 n. ; ii. ii n., 305, 435-7; Universal History, ii. 438.
RICHARDSON, William, i. 413.
RICHARDSON, , an attorney, i. 179.
RICHELIEU, ii. 306-7.
RIDICULE, the test of truth, i. 452.
ROADS, i. 150, 249 n.
ROBERTSON, Rev. William, D.D., His tories, i. 429; ii. 10, 349; Johnson, Dictionary, ii. 352 ; downs him, i. 169 n.\ Presbyterian worship, i. 189, 428 n.', style, i. 345 n. ; ii. 48.
Robinson Crusoe. See DE FOE.
ROBINSON, George, ii. 33, 37.
ROBINSON, Rev. Hastings, ii. 417.
ROBINSON, Miss (Mrs. G. L. Scott), i. 180.
ROBINSON, Rev. R. G., ii. 417.
ROBINSON, Sir Thomas, ii. 95.
ROCHEFORT, Marshal, i. 270?*.
ROCHEFOUCAULD, adversity of our friends, i. 207; conversation, i. 169 .; death, ii- 337> 4 n - > gentleman writer, i. 334 ; ii. 304 ; gravity, i. 326 n. ; judging our friends, ii. 200 . ; self-accusation,
ROFFETTE, Abbe, i. 215.
ROGERS, Rev. John, D.D., i. 6, 124.
ROGERS, Samuel, Cumberland, ii. 72 ; Ginevra, i. 1 79 n. ; Harris's Hermes, ii. 71 n. ; Hayley, ii. 421 n.; in the highest society, i. 287 .; Literary Club, ii. 26 n.; Murphy, i. 406 n. ; Reynolds's Infant Hercules, ii. 311.
ROLLAND, John, i. I4.
ROLLIN, Charles, i. 162.
ROLT, Richard, i. 412 .; ii. 34, 162.
ROMAN CATHOLICS, Catholic Relief Bill, ii. 207 ; conversion to Protestantism, ii. 151 ; doctrine of purgatory, i. 401 ; Jansenists and Jesuits, ii. 200 ; John son's friends, i. 210; obstinate ration ality, i. 116 n., 279 n, ; pomp of ceremonies, ii. 1 76 ; St. Pancras church yard, ii. 387.
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