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��Prayers Reynolds, Sir Joshua.

��Rambler, i. 9; repentance, i. 122-3; Sacrament, i. 27, 108, 117, 121-2; scruples, i. 46 ; Streatham, on leaving, i. 108; study, before any new, i. 12 ; of law, i. 35 ; of philosophy, i. 17 ; of religion, i. 12 2 ; of tongues, i. 47 ; Taylor, for Dr., i. 118 ; temper ance, i. 45 ; thanksgiving for health, i. 93, TI 55 time misspent, i. 13; wife's death, i. 10-12, 16, 19, 21, 27; Williams, for Miss, i. 1 14.

Prayers and Meditations, i. 1-124.

Preceptor, ii. 343.

PRESCOTT, William K., i. 31 .; ii. 380 n.

PRESTO, i. 189.

PRETENDER, Young, ii. 177.

PRICE, Dr. Richard, i. 429 n.

PRIESTLEY, Rev. Joseph, D.D., diary, i. 65 n. ; influenced by Hartley, ii. 304 ; Parr's friend, ii. 72; philosophical necessity, i. 463 n.


PRINGLE, Sir John, ii. 162 .

PRIOR, Matthew, Alma, i. 207; An English Padlock, i. 220; Johnson's Life, i. 178 n., 479 ; ii. 371 ; Solomon, ii. 361, 376.

PRITCHARD, Mrs., ii. 248 n.

PRIZE-FIGHTING, i. 149, 475 .

PROFESSION, Choice of a, i. 314.

Prologue at the Opening of Drury Lane Theatre, i. 385, 396 ; ii. 314.

PSALMANAZAR, George, i. 56, 266; ii. 12.

Public dinners, ii. 183 n.


Punch, i. 103. PUNIC WAR, i. 202, 452. PUNS, ii. 18. Purchase, i. 454. PURGATORY, i. 401.


QUAKERS, i. 135 ., 222, 242.

QUARRELS, i. 246.

QUEEN SQUARE, ii. 358.

QUIN, James, i. 382 n.\ ii. 69 .,

244 n.

QUINCY, Dr., ii. 90 n. QUOTATIONS, unfair, ii. 236.



RABELAIS, i. 345 n.

RADCLIFFE, John, M.D., i. 223 . ; ii. 377-

RALEIGH, Sir Walter, i. 190 .

Rambler, i. 9, 178, 181 n., 305, 348, 391-3, 399, 4 6 5, 469; " 78, H7> 214, 350, 4M-

RAMSAY, Allan, i. 189 ., 250 .; ii. 188, 192.

RAMSAY, Colonel James, ii. 99 .

RAMSAY, John, i. 14 .

RANDOLPH, Rev. Dr., ii. 66 n.

RAPHAEL, ii. 390.

RAPIN, Paul, ii. 357.

Rasselas, i. 285, 415, 471 ; ii. 171 n ., 175, 368.

RAYMOND, Samuel, ii. 39 .

RAYNAL, Abbe, i. 211; ii. 12, 265.

RAYNEVAL, , i. 109 .

READING, i. 137, 181 ; ii. 2, 9, 142.

REED, Isaac, i. 387 n. ; ii. 24 n., 328 .

REED, Joseph, ii. 318 n ., 411 n.

REID^ Dame, ii. 84 n.

REID, Talbot Baines, ii. 95 n.


Resistance no Rebellion, ii. 53.

RESOLUTIONS, i. 31, 55, 89.

RETIREMENT, i. 315 ; ii. 8.

Revolutionist, ii. 356.


REYNOLDS, Frances, Recollections, ii. 250-300; purity, i. 207; politician, ii. 42; Hannah More, ii. 179, 181, 192; essays and verses, ii. 279, 449; Johnson's letters, ii. 448-50, 453, 455 ; parody, ii. 314 ; Sir Joshua's letter, ii. 455 ; will, ii. 457 n. ; mentioned, i. 103, 327 ; ii. 1 86, 188, 200.

REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua, apprenticed, i. 240 n. ; Barnard's verses, ii. 263 ; be quests, ii. 24 n. ; Boswell dines with him, ii. 24 ; debts, ii. 34; letter, ii. 457, 460; Cumberland, ii. 72; dinners, ii. 93 ., 460; easy language, ii. 232 n. ; family, i. 421 n. ; funeral, ii. 379 n - > game, ii. 28, 34 ; Gold smith, i. 421 ; ii. 269 ; Hawkins, ii. 81 ; Hope nursing Love, ii. 159 . ; Ugo-


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