��Napkins Oxford.
��NAPKINS, i. 302 .
NATURE, ii. 431.
NEATE, Harris, i. 300 n.
NEGROES, i. 292.
NELSON, Lord, i. 462 n.
NELSON, Robert, i. 221 n. ; ii. 305.
NEW RIVER, i. 435.
NEWBERY, John, i. 156, 414.
NEWCASTLE, second Duke of, ii. 68 n.
NEWTON, Sir Isaac, converted to Chris tianity, ii. 306; Johnson and Bosco- vitch, i. 416; music, ii. 103 n.\ un married, ii. 360; Williams's scheme, i. 402.
NEWTON, John, Bishop of Bristol, ii. 15 n.
NICE PEOPLE, i. 328.
Niche, i. 336.
NICHOL, Professor John, ii. 348 n.
NICHOLS, John, Bowyers Life, i. 444 ; Islington, ii. 148 n. ; Johnson's Lives of the Poets, i. 178 ; ii. 70 ., 372 n. ; 159; Anecdotes, ii. 409-13; joyous, ii. 36 ; Thirlby, ii. 430 ; mentioned, i. 370 n., 380, 398; ii. 123, 221 n., 380 n.
NICHOLSON, ii. 31.
NICHOLSON, the bookseller, i. 133.
NICOL, George, ii. 148.
NICOLAIDA, i. 103.
NOLLEKENS, Joseph, i. 85 n. ; ii. 375.
NOLLEKENS, Mrs., i. 85.
NON-JURORS, ii. 355.
NORGATE, , i. 191 n.
NORTH, Lord, ministry dissolved, i. 104;
- influence,' ii. 55 n. ; Walpole and
Shippen, ii. 305 ; attacked, ii. 310.
NORTH, Roger, i. 134^.; ii. 125 n.
NORTHCOTE, James, i. 3i3. ; ii. 49 ., 72, 179 n., 248 ., 288 ., 454 n.
NORTHUMBERLAND, first Duke of, ii. 67, 208 n.
NORTHUMBERLAND, Countess of, ii. 29 n.
NORTON, Professor Charles Eliot, ii. 165 n.
NOVELS, i. 290.
NUGENT, Dr., i. 210, 230, 420.
NUMBERS, round, ii. 2.
OATS, ii. 334 n.
Observer, ii. 78.
CEdipus, ii. 62.
OGDEN, Dr. Samuel, ii. 297 n.
OGLETHORPE, General, i. 402 n; ii. 51,
OLD AGE, i. 84, 231, 281, 317, 329 n. Old Maid, The, ii. 351. OLIPHANT, J. L. K., ii. 466. OLIVER, Dame, i. 157 . OMAI, ii. 292.
ONSLOW, Arthur, ii. 251 n., 381. OPENNESS, i. 326. Oracle, The, ii. 36, 144 n. Oratorio, i. 196. ORD, Mrs., ii. 191. ORRERY, fifth Earl of, ii. 3 n. OSBORNE, Thomas, i. 304, 380, 418; ii.
74* 347-
OSSIAN. See MACPHERSON, JAMES. OSSORY, Earl of, ii. 241 n. OSSORY, Lord, ii. 23, 26, 32.
OSTERVALD, ii. 1 1 8.
OTWAY, Thomas, i. 385 ., 435.
OTWAY, Mrs., i. 124.
OUGHTON, Sir Adolphus, ii. 356 n.
OVERSTONE, Lord, i. 230 n.
OWEN, Colonel, i. 171 n.
OXFORD, first Earl of, i. 436.
OXFORD, second Earl of, i. 380.
OXFORD, Clarendon Press, i. 382 .; common rooms, ii. 199 n.; disloyalty, i. 171 ; dinner-hour, ii. 93 n. ; Fellows, " 3 T 3J Johnson's love for it, i. 168; morning chapel, i. 49 n. ; riding-house, ii. 53 ; sconces, i. 164 n. ; servitors, ii. 88; Jesus College, ii. 197 ., 199,400; PEMBROKE COLLEGE, Dr. Adams's portrait, ii. 461 n. ; buttery-books, ii. 313 n. ; common room, ii. 199 n. ; Johnson's autographs, i. 3 ; ii. 460 ; desk, i. 367 n. ; intended be quest, ii. 1 26 n. ; Hannah More, ii. 197; portrait, ii. 164 n., 199 n., 461 ; undergraduate days, i. 5, 164, 362; ii. 85-7, 197, 312, 340; nest of singing birds, ii. 198 n. ; tutor, ii. 418 n. ; St. John's College, i. 428 .; University College, ii. 321, 406.
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